How To Weave Bracelets

How To Weave Bracelets
How To Weave Bracelets

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Weaving bracelets from floss threads does not require special skills, the process of work itself can bring a lot of positive emotions, and the finished product will be a wonderful gift for friends.

How to weave bracelets
How to weave bracelets

It is necessary

  • - floss threads of various shades;
  • - scissors;
  • - foam cushion for fastening work;
  • - safety pins.


Step 1

Select the threads of the floss from which you are going to weave the bracelet. If this is your first experience of weaving, use bright contrasting threads of three colors, this will allow you not to get tangled and do the first work efficiently. Remember that the consumption of thread in weaving even with the simplest knots is quite high, proceed from the fact that the length of the floss should be at least 4 lengths of the finished product. Cut off two strands from each of the three selected shades.

Step 2

Connect all six threads of the floss with a knot, weave a pigtail, which will be the string of the bracelet. Pin the pigtail to the foam pillow with safety pins, arrange all the colors in order, for example, first two blue threads, then two yellow and two white threads.

Step 3

Start braiding from left to right. Take the extreme blue thread to the side, wrap it around the second blue thread, bring the end to the left. Then, in the same way, twist all the other threads in turn. Make sure the weave always goes in the same direction. The order of the threads after the first stage will be as follows: blue, two yellow, two white, blue. Repeat the operation with the second blue thread, and then alternately with two white and two yellow floss. Then check if the threads have returned to their original position. Continue weaving until the length of the bracelet reaches the intended length.

Step 4

Gather all the threads of the floss together and weave them into a pigtail of the same length as the initial one. Tie a tight knot at the end, cut off the excess.

Step 5

Use straight weave to create bracelets. To do this, take several warp threads of one color and a working thread of a different shade of greater length. Tie knots similar to those described in the third step on the warp threads, first in one direction and then back again. Use working threads of several colors to create an ornament.
