Weaving bracelets from scrap materials is one of the most popular women's hobbies. The most convenient and easiest way to weave bracelets from rubber bands is due to their availability and numerous execution schemes - on fingers, on a fork, on a machine and others.

How to weave bracelets from rubber bands on your fingers
You can weave a variety of Loom Bands bracelets that can be purchased at the store or market. Make a simple elastic bracelet, also called a figure eight. Pull the rubber band twisted into a figure eight on the index and middle fingers, place another one on top, but not twisted. Carefully remove the first from your fingers and thread through the second. Continue this peculiar and colorful chain. Once you reach the desired length, secure the ends with a plastic clasp or make a small knot. You can practice making several of these bracelets at once, and you will quickly learn how to weave bracelets from rubber bands on your fingers.

Try to weave a bracelet from elastic bands in the form of a voluminous cord - the so-called "fish tail". To do this, you will need about 50 rubber bands. Start it in the same way as in the previous method: put a figure eight on the index and middle fingers, but do not twist the next elastic bands. Place two rubber bands of any color on top and remove the figure eight through them. Pass the bottom loop through the top so that the last one stays on your fingers, then repeat the sequence until you have a finished bracelet.
How to weave elastic bracelets on a fork
Twist and fold one rubber band in a figure of eight and slide it over the two prongs of the forks in the center. Then repeat the same with the other two elastic bands, but already putting them on the leftmost and rightmost two teeth. Remove the first elastic over the middle loops by sliding the entire piece down. Twist another elastic band in half and place it over the middle teeth, but do not fold it into a figure eight. Carefully peel the previous row over the last elastic, then repeat the sequence as one elastic in the center and two on the sides, making two rows for each color.

After creating a bracelet of the desired length, complete the weaving by transferring the loops from the extreme to the middle teeth, and place the lower loops on the upper ones. Slip a new, double-twisted elastic over the remaining two loops in the center. Place the eyelets on top of it. Place the side loops one above the other as a clasp in the shape of the letter S. Hook on the loops and carefully remove the finished bracelet from the fork. Spread out the knots, stretch the canvas slightly, and clip one end to the other.
How to weave elastic bracelets on a machine
If you have a special machine with one row of posts, you can weave bracelets from rubber bands in the style of "dragon scales". In addition to the colored rubber bands, you will need a hook and four clasps. Make the first row of four "eights" of the same color, placing them over one. Fill in the gaps with rubber bands of a different color, twisting them away from you. On double-layer posts, crochet the lower loops. Move the row down.

Put one untwisted ring on the posts with a double row, transfer the lower loop to the upper one, leaving the one on the left free. Go down and start a new row of a different color from the first column, like the previous one. After making the required number of rows, remove the outer loop and put it on the next column, repeating from the opposite end. Put the next loop on the left side on the adjacent column on the right. As a result, the loops will be on four posts, and they can be secured with locks.