How To Weave Rubber Bracelets: For Beginners

How To Weave Rubber Bracelets: For Beginners
How To Weave Rubber Bracelets: For Beginners

If not long ago, beaded bracelets were incredibly popular, today many teenagers wear bracelets made of rubber bands. They look stylish, and it is not difficult to weave such a bracelet with your own hands. How to weave elastic bracelets? The technique of weaving products is quite simple, even a child can master it.

How to weave rubber bracelets: for beginners
How to weave rubber bracelets: for beginners

As in any business, you need to master a new technique from the very simple. There are several types of bracelet weaving. You can weave bracelets from rubber bands with the help of special machines and devices, or without them. Here are some techniques.

Weaving bracelets from rubber bands on the fingers

One of the simplest techniques is finger braiding. To get started, you need a Rainbow Loom set.

  • You need to take the first rubber band from the set and twist it in the form of an infinity sign;
  • then the rings should be laid one on top of the other;
  • in order to make it convenient to work, you need to squeeze them between your index and thumb;
  • thus, we got two rings through which the hook is threaded;
  • The Rainbow Loom comes with a plastic crochet hook that can be used or fitted with a regular metal crochet hook. The optimal size is # 3 or # 4.
  • now you need to hook on a new rubber band, and then stretch it to about the middle. Pay attention to the fact that the other half of the elastic should remain outside. It is important not to try too hard to pull, otherwise all the work will have to start over;
  • after that, you should intercept the part of the weave that is closest to the new rubber with your fingers. Then you need to put the hook into the rings, which are held by your fingers, and then stretch a new one. In work, you can use monochromatic loom bands or multi-colored. Then you get a mix.
  • now we need to intercept our bracelet as close as possible to the new one and stretch the next one.
  • at the final stage, the last elastic should be secured with an S-shaped plastic clip. It is usually included in a weaving kit, but you can purchase it at any craft store if you wish.

This technique is considered the simplest, called a chain. It is great for those who do not know how to weave rubber bracelets. Having mastered it, you can master more complex techniques. Outwardly, such a bracelet will be a thin chain with links in the form of droplets.

But not everyone weaves bracelets with the help of a special set; there are craftswomen who turn ordinary small hair ties into jewelry.

How to weave hair bracelets

Here's how to make a bracelet from hair ties.

  • You need to take one hair tie and wrap it around the pencil. You will get two loops.
  • take the next one (color depends on preference);
  • you need to thread it through two loops of the first rubber band;
  • the bracelet should be weaved until it reaches length in order to wrap it around the wrist;
  • we tie the ends of the bracelet. If desired, you can use fishing line or thread to tie the ends.


So, there are a lot of techniques for this type of needlework. Having mastered the simplest ways, over time, you can learn to weave fashionable harnesses-bracelets or even covers for your favorite gadgets from rubber bands. True, this will require a special machine.