How To Draw A Mouth

How To Draw A Mouth
How To Draw A Mouth

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Portrait likeness in drawing is highly prized in the skills of both beginners and experienced artists. If you want to learn how to correctly and correctly draw graphic portraits of people, you need the ability to correctly draw different elements of a human face. In this article we will talk about how to draw a realistic mouth with a pencil, without which the portrait will not be reliable and similar.

How to draw a mouth
How to draw a mouth


Step 1

Imagine a person's mouth as curved, raised lines running from the nose to the chin. Try drawing these curved lines to form the bump of the lips.

Step 2

The corners of the lips are always in shadow, as is most of the upper lip. The largest highlight is in the center of the lower lip. When painting lips, pay attention to the play of light and shadow. The correct display of light and shadow is half of the realism of the face element you draw.

Step 3

The largest shadow falls on the corners of the lips and the places adjacent to them. The center and upper part of the upper lip is lighter than the corners. Shade the corner areas of the upper lip with a pencil, as well as the places close to the junction of the upper lip with the lower lip.

Step 4

The lower lip also has shaded areas - shade those parts of it that adjoin the upper lip on the left and right, and darken the corners.

Step 5

The rounded space in the center of the lower lip tends to remain light - don't shade it, leave it intact. Make the shading on the lower lip less intense than the shading on the upper lip.

Step 6

Gently outline the contour of the lips. Then go to the area around the mouth - just under the lower lip, mark the falling shadow with hatching, and also darken the places to the left and right of the corners of the lips.

Step 7

Do not forget to shade the shadow, which is always in the dimple above the upper lip.

Step 8

Take a thin eraser and draw a light line along the contour of the lips to make them more voluminous - light always falls on the most prominent edges of the lips. Having defined the contour of the lips, finish drawing with final adjustments of volume and hatching.
