How To Develop A Voice

How To Develop A Voice
How To Develop A Voice

Table of contents:


Harsh and unpleasant, velvety and melodic, whatever the voice may be, it always affects the perception of a person. Of course, you would like people to like your voice, but not everyone has full command of their voice. The reason for this lies in the inability to control breathing, undeveloped ligaments, tight throat muscles, and sometimes in poor health.

To be listened to and heard, work on your voice
To be listened to and heard, work on your voice


Step 1

The most important thing on the way to mastering your voice is mastering breathing exercises. Before starting breathing control classes, go to an appointment with an otolaryngologist to rule out respiratory diseases.

Step 2

Respiratory gymnastics exercises are aimed at releasing the organs that form the voice from excessive stress. To do this, you need to learn lower diaphragmatic breathing. Do the following exercises:

Step 3

Lie on your back with one hand on your stomach and the other under your lower back. On the count of three, inhale deeply through your nose while simultaneously sticking out your belly. Hold your breath for two counts and begin to exhale slowly through your mouth, drawing in your stomach and making a hissing sound.

Step 4

Starting position: standing, shoulders unfolded and slightly lowered, back straight. Breathe in deeply through your nose, as if you are inhaling a scent. You need to exhale more slowly than inhale, as if blowing on frozen glass.

Step 5

Walk slowly, controlling your breathing, inhale in 2 steps and exhale also in 2. Over time, gradually increase the exhalation to 10 steps.

Step 6

Sit or stand up. Inhale through the nose with a delay of 2 seconds. Exhale in short portions, counting out loud 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Then repeat the same, after inhaling saying 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Step 7

Imagine that you are very tired. Relax, but keep your back straight. It is easy, as if calling someone for help, moan. The moan should be on the sound "n" or "m", attaching the vowels to it: "mmmmo-mmma-mmmu". The sound should go freely and monotonously, as if passing along the pillar, rising up and resting on the nose, teeth, forehead.

Step 8

You need to perform the exercises smoothly 5-6 times per lesson for 10 minutes every day. Listen to yourself to do them most effectively. With proper breathing exercises, your voice will flow freely without tension, it will become deeper, bewitching and strong.
