How To Develop A Strong Voice

How To Develop A Strong Voice
How To Develop A Strong Voice

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For those who find his voice shaky and weak, there is good news: you can develop your voice with simple tasks, just like developing muscles during sports. Do the exercises below regularly in the morning to help your voice become strong and harmonious, your pronunciation clearer, and you will be energized throughout the day.

How to develop a strong voice
How to develop a strong voice


Step 1

While in front of the mirror, exhale, then inhale and, while there is enough breath, as you exhale, pronounce each of the following sounds: "and", "e", "a", "o", "y". That is, first, in one breath, pronounce "iiiiiii", then "eeeeeeeeee", etc. Be sure to observe the indicated sequence of sounds, do the exercise slowly, repeat 3 times. The sound "and" has the highest frequency and helps to increase the intensity of blood circulation. While pronouncing the "e" sound, the head and neck area is included in the process. Pronunciation of the sound "a" has a positive effect on the chest area. During the exercise with the sound "o", the blood circulation of the heart improves. Pronouncing the sounds "y" has a beneficial effect on the lower abdomen.

Step 2

Now work with the sound "m". Close your mouth, utter the sound "m" at first very quietly, the second time louder, and the third time - as loudly as possible so that the vocal cords are strained. Exercises with the sound "m" activate the chest and abdomen.

Step 3

Practice with the "r" sound. It gives energy and strength to the voice. Before this exercise, you need to relax your tongue as much as possible. To do this, place the tip of your tongue behind your upper front teeth and make a sound similar to the "growl" of a tractor - "rrrrrr". Then exhale, then inhale and "growl" while actively pronouncing "r". Further expressively, with a rolling sound "r" read the following words: steering wheel, rice, frost, ruble, cook, rhythm, carpet, fence, ring, cheese, wing, goods, grass, role, lilac.

Step 4

The last to do is the so-called "Tarzan exercise". Stand up straight, clench your fingers into a fist, exhale, and then inhale deeply. As you exhale, begin to pronounce loudly in order all the sounds from the first exercise, while simultaneously striking yourself on the chest. This workout contributes to the development of a timbre in which your personal authority is amazingly strengthened, because the voice becomes lower and deeper, the spoken words take on more weight and make a greater impression.

By the way, Tarzan's exercise is also actively used to prevent myocardial infarction and colds.
