Many people have faced the situation when perfectly tailored and still durable clothes faded and lost their appearance. Throwing away a dress or blouse if it fits perfectly is usually a shame. You can try painting a faded item. For this, there are special dyes. You can make paints yourself using quite affordable natural materials.

It is necessary
- - dyes;
- - faded clothing
- - scales;
- - water;
- - gauze;
- - wooden stick;
- - ammonia;
- - utensils for staining.
Step 1
Find out what fabric the garment is made of. Plain cotton, linen and woolen fabrics are ideally dyed. The color of natural silk turns out to be uneven, and some materials should not be subjected to such processing at all. Artificial silk, fiberglass and some other artificial fibers are not dyed. But they usually do not fade. Some fabrics do not tolerate heat well. You shouldn't paint them either.
Step 2
Pay attention to the picture. Fabrics with a large bright pattern are evenly colored only in dark tones. Select a shade slightly darker to restore light-colored monochromatic materials. If you still want to choose a different color, try to choose a related one. Otherwise, the shade will not be exactly the one indicated on the package. If you try to color a red thing yellow, you will most likely end up with an orange color. A blue dye will give a lilac or even deep purple hue, etc.
Step 3
Choose a dye. If you are unable to accurately identify the fiber, or if different types of yarns were used in the manufacture of the fabric, choose universal dyes. They are suitable for 100% cotton and pure wool. But there are also special paints for these materials. Dyes for fabrics are sold in different packaging. They can be produced as a paste in tubes or glass jars. Dry dyes in the form of crystals or powder can also be encountered. They are usually sold in small paper or plastic bags. Packing can be very different. You can store them in a dry and fairly dark place.
Step 4
Wash and dry the item. Weigh it dry. This is necessary to determine the exact amount of paint. The packaging usually says how much fabric the bag is designed for. It also indicates in what amount of water to dissolve the powder or paste.
Step 5
Prepare the water. The instructions do not always say what kind of water is needed, but it is advisable to take soft. Rainwater or melted snow will do. You can soften the usual tap by adding a tablespoon of ammonia for every 10 liters.
Step 6
Dilute the paint. Pour the contents of the sachet into a china cup and pour 0.5 cups of hot water into it. Stir the ingredients until smooth. The cup must be large enough to hold all the water required by the recipe. Keep in mind that the more water you have, the lighter the shade will be. To obtain a thick, saturated dark color, the ratio of fabric and water is usually taken as 1: 8, that is, for a blouse that weighs 200 g, 4 liters of water are needed.
Step 7
Add boiling water gradually and stir the solution continuously. When the paint has completely dissolved, strain the contents of the pot through a double-folded piece of gauze into an enamel pot in which you will dye your clothes.
Step 8
Soak the product in cold water. Once the paint is at the correct temperature, wring out the garment and quickly submerge it in the solution. The product must be completely covered with paint, otherwise it will not be possible to get an even color. Make sure that during the dyeing process, parts of the product do not rise above the surface of the water. The duration of the dyeing process depends on the quality of the fabric and the desired color intensity.