If the neck of a plastic bottle can be cut off with an ordinary knife or scissors, then it will take skill and dexterity to evenly separate the neck of a glass bottle. From a glass bottle with a cut off neck, you can make a pretty vase, glass or ashtray.

Step 1
Take a glass cutter. The glass cutter must necessarily be diamond. Scratch the necessary circular or curly line with it on the bottle. Wrap the bottle in a thin towel. Tap the scratch with a small hammer. The throat will separate from the bottle.
Step 2
Take a grinder and call an assistant. This operation must be done together. Turn on the grinder and have an assistant press it against the table. Make the necessary scratch on the bottle by pressing it against the rotating disc of the grinder and turning it slowly. Wrap the bottle in a towel and tap on it. The throat will come off.
Step 3
Make ice water in the refrigerator. Pour it into the bottle up to the point where you want to cut. Pour 30 milliliters of kerosene on top and light it. The neck of the bottle will fly off by itself due to the sharp temperature difference. In this case, the cut is very smooth. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to use gasoline!
Step 4
Prepare a bucket of ice water. Wrap the bottle with thread in several layers in the place where the cut is needed. Soak a thread with gasoline, kerosene or pure alcohol and set it on fire. When the thread burns out, quickly dip the bottle into ice-cold water. The throat will separate due to the temperature difference.
Step 5
Soak an empty bottle in the freezer of your refrigerator for 20 minutes. Wrap a piece of nichrome wire with a resistance of at least 75 ohms around the bottle with half loops where a cut is needed. Connect the ends of the wire to a 220 volt network. When the wire gets hot, the throat will fly off due to the temperature difference.
Step 6
Use sandpaper to roughen the bottle where the cut is needed. Take a lead pencil. The graphite must be soft. Draw a circular line with a pencil where you want to cut. Do not close the line to the end, leave a gap of 5 millimeters. Chill the bottle in the freezer. Then connect 220 volts to the ends of the graphite-drawn line where the gap is. The throat of the bottle will fly off due to the temperature difference.
Step 7
Always follow safety precautions. Perform all work with glass with gloves on. Eyes must be protected with special goggles. Do not perform such work in the presence of children. Do any work with fire only outdoors. When doing this, keep a fire extinguisher nearby.