How To Care For A Room Rose

How To Care For A Room Rose
How To Care For A Room Rose

Table of contents:


Indoor roses are as adorable as their garden cousins. They have a variety of colors and flower shapes, many have a pleasant, delicate aroma. Indoors, it is best to grow the so-called miniature or indoor roses, since they are not so capricious and easier to adapt to life at home.

How to care for a room rose
How to care for a room rose

It is necessary

  • - container for plant transplant;
  • - water;
  • - expanded clay;
  • - fertilizers;
  • - thick paper
  • - polyethylene;
  • - pallet;
  • - a sharp knife or secateurs;
  • - one of the drugs: "Actellik", "Apollo", "Vermitek", "Fitoverm".


Step 1

Do not rush to immediately replant the newly acquired plant, wait a couple of weeks. Give him the opportunity to adapt to a new place, get used to the microclimate of your apartment. In the meantime, look for a bright, but preferably cool place on the windowsill. Roses develop best at a temperature of 14-20 °. If the adaptation period passes normally, you can transplant.

Step 2

The transplant capacity should be 2-4 cm larger than the previous one. If the pot has been used before, simply wash it with a soap and brush. If you are going to use a brand new one, fill it with water and let it sit for a couple of hours. Lay a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot - small stones, for example, expanded clay - at least 1 cm thick. For transplanting, it is best to purchase ready-made soil in a specialized store.

Step 3

Roses are transplanted using the transshipment method, since they are very sensitive to possible root damage. Water the flower and leave it on for a while. The water should be well absorbed. Then lay the plant down and tap lightly on the sides and bottom of the pot. Remove it from the container without damaging the earth ball.

Step 4

After transplanting, place the flower on a windowsill in the western or eastern part of the apartment, as roses love diffused light and do not tolerate overheating at all. You can use the space on the north window, but in this case, you will have to provide backlight for good growth and flowering. On the southern windowsill, overheating and drying out of the soil in the pot is possible, even with shading and frequent ventilation, and this is completely unacceptable.

Step 5

After another couple of weeks, when the rose finally adapts to its new place of residence, feed it. All fertilizers sold in stores have instructions, read it carefully. In spring and summer, feed your roses every 2-3 weeks. Stop feeding by autumn.

Step 6

Do not allow the soil to dry out. Overflow is also harmful to the plant. During the warm season, the soil should be constantly moderately moist. Indoor roses are watered at the root or put the pot in a tray of water, and after a couple of hours, the excess is drained. The leaves are sprayed from the underside with a spray bottle.

Step 7

Indoor roses love cool air, but cannot stand drafts. For protection, make a paper screen about half its height around the plant.

Step 8

Roses are cut either in the fall before wintering, or in February-March. Remove dry, weak and small shoots, leave no more than 5 strongest ones. They should be shortened to 5-6 lower buds. In summer, during the flowering period, remove yellowed leaves and fading shoots.

Step 9

A rose can overwinter on an insulated loggia, if the air temperature there does not drop below + 2 + 4 °. If this is not possible, leave the flower on the windowsill, fencing it off from the side of the room with a plastic screen. It is desirable that the air temperature in this makeshift box does not exceed 10-12 °.

Step 10

Reduce the frequency and intensity of watering during winter. However, the soil must not completely dry out either. Moisten the earthen lump periodically. To reduce the harmful effect of air dried out by heating devices, place the flower in a tray with damp pebbles.

Step 11

Powdery mildew and spider mites are the most common diseases and pests of indoor roses. The first is cured by daily rinsing the affected plant with a solution of soda - 2 teaspoons per 1 liter of water. Before the procedure, cover the soil around the plant with polyethylene. To cope with a tick, you need at least 4 treatments with one of the special preparations - "Actellik", "Apollo", "Vermitic" and others. For prophylaxis, spray roses, for example, with Fitoverm, at least 2 times a year.
