Visiting exhibitions and exhibition halls is not outdated even when the Internet took a special place in our life. Moreover, their number is growing, the topic is becoming more and more extensive. In Moscow, this huge metropolis, there is such an unimaginable number of exhibitions that one person simply cannot get around.

Step 1
Choose a theme for the exhibition. Historical expositions, exhibitions of paintings, ancient orders, war trophies, etc. are most often located in museums. These are, first of all, exhibitions in the Kremlin; as well as exhibitions in the halls of art galleries, the Matryoshka Museum and other historical and local history museums in Moscow.
Step 2
Modern exhibitions are not only of scientific, historical and cultural value, but also represent the everyday, practical side of our life. At these fairs, you will find a variety of products and manufacturers brought together to showcase products and offerings on a specific topic. These are exhibitions dedicated to published books, the issue of real estate, footwear - there is no more counting.
Step 3
Exhibitions in Moscow take place on a permanent basis, when each company has an exhibition stand operating all year round, and periodical, the time of which is strictly limited. If you need a second type of them (for example, you are interested in an exhibition related to baking), then you will have to start a real hunt for them. To find out their time and place, follow the advertisements in the newspapers, look through the exhibition brochures, follow the news on the Internet. This site will help you a lot with this:
Step 4
Exhibitions can be divided into paid, shareware, free. For paid exhibitions, pay for admission either at the box office or online. But sometimes free admission is provided to the same exhibitions. So, for example, feel free to go after 16-00 to any exhibition on the territory of the Kremlin, if you are a Russian pensioner, schoolboy or student. Or visit paid exhibitions at a time when they are declared free for a while (at least on the night of museums from May 15th to 16th annually).
Step 5
A certain part of the exhibitions is completely free for visitors. But always specify what exactly needs to be done to get there. You may not need anything. But there may be a need to register in advance, either online or by phone.
Step 6
Buy a ticket at a discount if you get the chance. Find out about them in time, as their duration is most likely limited. You can find out all about the entry fee reductions at the exhibition itself, but try to track them here:, and on similar discount sites.