The largest arboretum in the south of Russia is located in the center of Sochi. This is a place where more than 2000 species of rare and exotic plants, collected from all over the world, grow on an area of about 50 hectares. The arboretum was created in 1944 and since then it has been considered the largest research base, which allows collecting and systematizing materials on the basis of which environmental monitoring is carried out, normative documentation is developed and decisions are made on the development of territories.

Step 1
Anyone who has the opportunity to stay in the city for at least a couple of days is a must to visit the arboretum in Sochi. The park is located on the central city highway at 74 Kurortny Prospekt. You can get to it from the Marine Station on foot - the walk will not take much time. From the railway station, take a minibus that goes to the Dendropark stop. In summer, the arboretum in Sochi is open from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm, in the off-season, from November 1 to March 1, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Tickets cost about 200 rubles. There are no breaks and weekends in the park.
Step 2
If you are resting nearby, in the resort villages of Greater Sochi, then many route taxis going to the city pass by the arboretum. From Adler and Dagomys you can get here in half an hour. Do not forget to warn the driver so that he does not pass the stop - many fixed-route taxis in the city stop only “on demand”.
Step 3
The territory of the park is divided by Kurortny Prospect into two parts - the flat one is located closer to the sea, and the upper part is picturesquely stretched out on a mountain slope. Both parts are connected by a tunnel, so from the central entrance you can go down to the lower park along it. You can climb to the upper part from the central entrance or by cable car, the lift station is nearby. This path is the easiest, because then you only have to go down. The cable car starts working at 9:00 am.
Step 4
Before starting the walk, we advise you to purchase a map of the park, which indicates all the plant attractions and geographical zones into which the territory is divided. If you go up the cable car, then your excursion will start right from the observation deck, from where a stunning panorama of the city of Sochi and the sea coast opens.
Step 5
Along the numerous alleys, begin your descent to the bottom, admiring the interesting unique plants. Almost all year round, you can see some tropical plants planted in the park in bloom, but spring and summer will give you the most unforgettable impressions. There are souvenir stalls and cafes along the paths where you can eat. Do not discard the ticket, you will need it to get through the tunnel to the bottom.