It is difficult to find a person who does not like to take a steam bath on a dank gray day in front of a heater blazing with heat. Only those for whom it is contraindicated and those who do not know how to take a steam bath do not go to the sauna. If you can only sympathize with the first, then the inept should at least once try to go to the sauna not at random, but according to the rules, after which they will also become fanatics of the steam room.

Step 1
Before you go to the sauna, you need to understand that you shouldn't run into it in a hurry between things. Sauna does not tolerate fuss, it is more characteristic of gravity, because it is a whole ritual.
Step 2
Talk to your doctor about whether you can use the sauna. If you suffer from cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, have open foci of inflammation, you cannot go to the sauna. Follow the "do no harm" principle. The bath will benefit only a healthy person.
Step 3
Before entering the sauna, take off your watch and all jewelry that might inconspicuously burn yourself in the steam room. Try not to be hungry, but there is nothing to do with a full stomach in the sauna. Be sure to bring a large towel and an optional woolen hat. Before entering the sauna, take off your watch and all jewelry that might inconspicuously burn yourself in the steam room. Try not to be hungry, but there is nothing to do with a full stomach in the sauna. Be sure to bring a large towel and, if you wish, a woolen hat.
Step 4
First, get under the shower, rinse with clean water without soap, while you should not wet your head. Rub dry with a towel, after which you can make the first visit to the steam room. If possible, try to take a horizontal position on the middle shelf. If you sit, the temperature difference between your head and your legs can be up to 30 degrees, which will not have a very good effect on your well-being.
Step 5
It is not recommended to stay in the steam room for more than 7-10 minutes on the first visit. If you are sitting, do it "to the first drop from the nose", it is on this that experienced vapers are guided. Do not stand up suddenly to avoid dizziness. Gently rise and go out into the common room.
Step 6
After leaving the steam room, rinse your body in a cool shower or plunge into the pool. If you have been steaming for 10 minutes, then you need to take at least twice as much to rest.
In total, you can make 3-4 visits to the steam room, gradually increasing the time spent in it.
Step 7
Drink non-alcoholic non-carbonated drinks in the sauna. For example, herbal tea with honey or diluted juices. This should be done without haste in small sips.
Step 8
Before leaving the sauna, take a shower with soap and wash your hair, but do not jump out into the street while hot. Sit a little in the hallway or at a table, come to your senses. You will feel a little tired but also wonderfully rested. Some call this state of being "born again." This is exactly the feeling you will get if you take a steam bath according to all the rules.