Throughout the school year, in which there are 175 school days, the parents of many students are faced with the need to write an explanatory note about the child's absence from class. There are many reasons why a student missed a day or two classes, but in most cases, the main reason is the child's mild ailments.

It is necessary
- - a pen;
- - Blank sheet.
Step 1
If a child missed a day of classes due to slight discomfort or because of departure, then in this case it is necessary to write an explanatory note. The document (and the explanatory document is precisely the document) will indicate that the student did not attend classes for a good reason, and not just skipped lessons. It would seem that writing an explanatory note is a trifling matter, but in most cases, as soon as parents are faced with such a need, they are at a loss as to how to correctly draw up a document.
Step 2
As mentioned above, an explanatory document is a document, so the choice of paper must be taken seriously. You can't go wrong with choosing an A4 sheet of paper. A double notebook sheet is also allowed, but if there is an opportunity to use the first, then do not neglect this opportunity. In general, the form of writing a note can be arbitrary, but I advise you to follow the rules below.
Step 3
Take a sheet of A4 paper. Visually divide the sheet into two parts and in the upper right write to whom the note is addressed, the name of the school, the city. Under the "heading" indicate from whom this note was written. An example of design: on the first two lines write "to the director of secondary school No. 25, Vladimir" (replace the data with the necessary ones), on the third - the director's surname and initials - "V. V. Kuznetsov." (replace the data with the necessary ones), on the fourth - the full name of the parent who wrote the explanatory, for example, "from I. I. Sidorova." The data is indicated in the genitive case.
Step 4
From the "cap" step down about a couple of centimeters and in the middle of the sheet with a capital letter write "explanatory note".
Step 5
Start writing down the reason for your child's absence from class. Be sure to indicate the day or period in which the student did not attend lessons. It is not worth describing this part in detail, try to fit it in a couple of lines.
Step 6
In conclusion, the note must be signed, deciphered the signature and indicate the date of the compilation of the explanatory note. This information must be written on the right side of the sheet after the text of the note itself.
Step 7
It is worth noting that if there are any documents confirming the reason for the absence of the child, then they must be attached to the explanatory note. For example, if a child has a toothache and he went to the dentist, then ask the doctor to write a certificate indicating the date of the visit to the dentist.