Publishing a newspaper is a laborious process, requiring even from veterans of journalism the utmost concentration of forces and well-coordinated teamwork. However, if you are just trying yourself in this profession and want to create a school newspaper, do not give up the idea, fearing possible problems. All you need to get started is a friendly team, a clear work plan, enthusiasm, and a couple of journalism textbooks.

Step 1
Gather a team of journalists from your school's students. Select an editor-in-chief by a general vote. A student, teacher, or journalism student can be involved in this role. You will also need a layout designer and proofreader.
Step 2
Decide how often your newspaper will come out. First, try releasing it once a month. Once your workflow is streamlined and familiar, you can increase the number of releases. The size of your newspaper will depend on the number of journalists and news stories. Start with a 6-page edition.
Step 3
Determine who will pay for all the costs of setting up the newspaper. In the absence of experience and large funds, you should not strive for high quality printing and contact a printing house. To cut costs, you can make a small newspaper and print it on a regular printer. Then the "sponsors" will have to give funds only for paper and replacement of cartridges. You can ask for help from the school principal or at parent meetings to find out if parents are ready to give money for the publication of the publication.
Step 4
Prepare a preliminary rubric and distribute it to the students you identify as target audiences (for example, grades 7-11). Ask them to write their opinion on the project, add to the list or shorten it. Process the results of this survey and adjust the heading plan accordingly.
Step 5
Set aside part of the school newspaper for news. This can be school news - all significant events that have occurred during the week. It is also worth paying attention to city, Russian and world news in the field of education.
Step 6
One or two pages can be reserved for reports from concerts, exhibitions, festivals, sports matches that may be of interest to schoolchildren. Announce such events in advance.
Step 7
Add interviews with teachers and other school staff to the newspaper. The hero of the interview can also be a student who has achieved a certain success in any area.
Step 8
To build a direct connection with your readers, conduct surveys regularly. Survey topics can be very different - related to school or life outside of it.
Step 9
Pay attention to problem situations in the school. You can write about them in the genre of an article, a pamphlet or a feuilleton.
Step 10
Identify topics for the first issue of the school newspaper at the planning meeting. Distribute them among journalists, stipulate the style of the story and the approximate amount of each piece.
Step 11
The process of working on the text depends on the topic, the chosen genre and the individual style of each author. You will find a detailed description of each genre in university textbooks for journalism students. However, there is a general algorithm for creating material for a newspaper. The first step is to collect information. It is important to go to different sources, double-check all the information and take into account all points of view on the problem. In parallel, the author's intention is finally formed.
Step 12
Once you've identified the idea behind your text, write an outline. Analyze the information collected and write the text according to the finished plan. Provide all theses with a sufficient number of arguments. After a while (a few hours or a day), re-read the text, correct mistakes and perfect the presentation style.
Step 13
You can make a photo for a newspaper article yourself if you have a minimum of skills and technique. Otherwise, the illustration can be found in free photobanks.
Step 14
Submit the finished materials to the editor and proofreader for review. The layout designer must assemble the approved options into a number. It is advisable for the whole team to take part in the layout of the first issue - you need to develop a design style that will become traditional for the publication.
Step 15
Newspaper print runs can be posted on the front desk, or multiple copies can be handed over to each classroom through the classroom teachers.