The school newspaper is a good way to engage the younger generation and bring out new talents. Already from school, students have the opportunity to play the role of an editor, journalist, layout designer and designer. However, in order to attract students to work on a project, it is necessary to take into account a number of features that distinguish a school newspaper from any other.

Step 1
Make the newspaper modern. This can mean anything. The main rule is to forget about what a regular newspaper looks like. Not a single child will tell you that the newspaper "Kommersant" or "MK" have a beautiful design. So do the opposite. Give the publication a bright, free style and fill it with graphics and images. The easiest way to make the front page is using photographs and student drawings.
Step 2
Consider the shape of the newspaper. The student is unlikely to appreciate the delights of a wide, uncomfortable A3 or larger newspaper. A4 format is best suited. It is close to a magazine one, printing can be done on a regular printer, it will easily fit into a school backpack.
Step 3
The smaller format is also acceptable, but it causes layout problems. If you are going to publish long, complex texts, it can stretch over several pages.
Step 4
Use effects to decorate text and photos. The popular genre of comics, manga, is a good example of how you can "play with text". Do not use conventional newspaper columnar ways of presenting material. Arrange information on the page in small oval boxes, like clouds in the sky. The final version is similar to a blog or news feed, which will attract students and make the material easy to learn.
Step 5
Process photos with shadows, light, gloss. Create interesting photo collages. This will help save space in the newspaper and use more photos on one page.
Step 6
Ask students for advice. As a rule, young talents can find brilliant ideas that will not only attract new students to the newspaper, but also establish various kinds of awards for the work done.