Explanatory notes are drawn up on issues of industrial and labor legal relations. Their main purpose is to clarify the situation on any issue from the point of view of the culprit of these events. An explanatory note will not only help to understand what happened and the cause of the events, but in some cases even remove the blame from the participants in the incident (if, of course, they turn out to be innocent).

Step 1
According to article 4 on the rules for processing business papers (more precisely, its subparagraph 4.3.1. "Explanatory note - type and content") of the Labor Code, there are certain rules for writing an explanatory note. An explanatory note must necessarily have an indication of the addressee (that is, the person to whom the explanations are addressed), and from whom they come - in the head of the document, as well as the date of writing and the signature of the originator - after the end of the explanations at the bottom of the document.
Step 2
As a rule, the explanatory text is compiled in any form. It usually indicates the reasons that led to violations or non-compliance with the orders of higher management.
Step 3
By law, refusal to write an explanatory note cannot be considered a disciplinary offense. If you still have to write it, then do not do it right away, wait a while, consult with a lawyer or at least just with your colleagues. Having weighed everything well, and cooled down a little, sit down to write an explanatory note, and write it according to the classical standard. If your offense is really weighty, and you have nothing to cover, then remember the hackneyed phrase: "In the current situation, I acted in accordance with the prevailing situation."
Step 4
Never make excuses and do not lie in any way. The facts must be stated dryly and as if from the outside. Be as discreet and objective as possible. If there is fault in the incident and other employees, do not blame your misconduct on others, you just need to dryly list all the reasons for the incident.