While hugs are a lot of fun in life, they can have negative meanings in dreams. When interpreting, remember who exactly you hugged, and what feelings you experienced. Your mood during awakening can help you identify your emotions.

Hugs with relatives and friends
If in a dream you hug one of your relatives, then in real life sad events await you. There may be health problems for you or your loved ones.
If in a dream you are trying to free yourself from someone's very strong and daring embrace, then in real life there will be many obstacles on your way. It will be very difficult to achieve what you want.
Hugs with your spouse, as well as with a person with whom you have a constant love relationship, in a dream symbolizes problems in your personal life or family. The situation can be corrected only with patience and wisdom. Try not to get annoyed over trifles and do not succumb to provocations.
If in a dream you embrace your lover, then in reality you will have a long and happy life in harmony and understanding. If a guy hugs you very gently, then this can be regarded as a sign of success in a new endeavor.
If in a dream you are sitting next to a man who is much older than you, and his hand is on your shoulders, then in real life someone loves you very much. It is likely that you do not even pay attention to this person, and he is embarrassed to show his emotions. In his devotion and sincerity, you can not doubt at all.
Watching a couple embracing in a dream is a sign of an upcoming cheerful celebration. If you are invited to a holiday, do not refuse in any case. Profitable acquaintances and only positive emotions await you.
If in a dream you hug your pet, then in the near future you may receive an offer to go on a trip.
Emotions while hugging
If in a dream you hug a person with joy, then in the near future your life will change for the better. This dream means happiness and success in all endeavors. You can take on any business without fear of obstacles and difficulties.
Hugs with people you do not know in real life should be regarded as a warning that completely unexpected guests may soon visit you. If you hug someone with a sense of passion, then this is the personification of your fears. Perhaps you are obsessed with feelings of loneliness or are afraid of being lonely.
If in a dream you dream that you are hugging someone with dislike or disgust, then this sign is a hint of your excessive demands and jealousy of your partner in reality. A similar interpretation has a situation when you are unpleasant to see the hugs of other people.
In your dream, you can hug not only people you know, but also people who in real life not only cannot have tremulous feelings for each other, but are completely unfamiliar. In this case, wait for global changes. If you are surprised by the situation you have seen, then dramatic changes will occur in the near future. They will affect your personal life, career, and make adjustments to your environment. The changes are sure to be good and even necessary.