How To Grow Matrona's Nocturnal

How To Grow Matrona's Nocturnal
How To Grow Matrona's Nocturnal

Matrona's evening party, "bovine phlox", hesperis is an unpretentious flowering fragrant plant, which was grown in the old days by our great-grandfathers. The flowers emit a delicate aroma of night violets in the evening.

How to grow Matrona's nocturnal
How to grow Matrona's nocturnal

Matrona's party is a biennial flower. In the first year from sowing with seeds, small rosettes grow, which winter well even without shelter. In the second year, from the curtains planted in a flower garden, powerful (up to 80 … 100 cm) beauties grow, similar in habit to paniculate phlox. Seemingly unattractive plants, but in the evening they radiate the most delicate aroma of night violets.

Vechernitsa has few varieties. There are flowers with double and simple flower shapes. Flower colors are found mainly in pink-lilac, white-lilac and pink.


Only varieties with simple non-double flowers can be bred by seeds. Sowing seeds is carried out from late May to early July. Seeds are sown in a school for seedlings. Shoots are always friendly and strong. Sowing is also possible before winter.

In the spring, the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place with a step between the plants of about 40 … 45 cm. Vechnitsa is not demanding for soils. Abundant flowering will be on fertilized moist and non-acidic lands. Plants prefer to grow in lighted areas, although they put up with a little shade.


Flower care is minimal. This is keeping the plantings clean, watering, loosening, feeding, if necessary, and removing faded inflorescences. Vechernitsa gives abundant self-seeding.

Terry forms are propagated only by cuttings from lateral shoots that appear after flowering. Terry varieties in the open field winter worse than simple ones.

Flowers are planted in the background of the flower bed, not far from paths, resting places. Only terry varieties are suitable for cutting. Non-terry nocturnal is of little use for bouquets.