Blooming Fern In Your Garden: Dream Or Reality

Blooming Fern In Your Garden: Dream Or Reality
Blooming Fern In Your Garden: Dream Or Reality

Fern is a unique plant. Where the fern lives, there is a piece of the forest kingdom. It grows with pleasure in those places where other representatives of the flora simply die. If you have shady places in your garden, feel free to plant a fern there. Follow all guidelines for fern care. And in return, you get a real green decoration in your garden.

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Fern is a favorite plant of gardeners. It is not difficult to grow it, you only need to know certain rules and pay attention to your pet. And then your flower will delight you with its magnificent view.

Legend. Fern is the most mysterious plant. They write fairy tales about him and make films with the same interesting plot. All the heroes are trying to find the legendary fern flower. Everyone knows about his existence, but no one has ever seen him. But maybe someone will be lucky and on one of the most magical nights they will be able to see a fern flower. And it happens at night on Ivan Kupala. And in order not to go into the forest, plant this plant in your garden. What if you are lucky and on one of the bathing nights you will see a blooming fern.

Landing. If you want to have a luxurious green plant in your garden, choose the right planting material. When buying on the market, digging in the forest - pay attention to the root system and leaves. The roots should be in a moist, earthy coma, and the leaves should not be wilted. If this is not the case, your plant will die without even having time to take root.

Care. The fern is very picky about watering in the first year after transplanting. The main rule in care is to prevent the earth from drying out. But the plant does not need excess moisture either, it can provoke drying out of the roots. Loves frequent spraying. Garden fern grows very well in an area in a garden with diffused light. Feed it twice in the summer with mineral fertilizers, and your plant will respond to you with magnificent green leaves.

Transplanting. It is best to do this in early spring. When transplanting a fern, be careful not to damage the roots of the plant. Transplant it along with a clod of earth. If you want to divide the plant, do it very carefully. Divide the fern rhizomes without damaging the plants. Try to leave a lump of earth on them so that the young ferns feel comfortable in their new place.