Blooming Winter, Or A Few Words About Azaleas

Blooming Winter, Or A Few Words About Azaleas
Blooming Winter, Or A Few Words About Azaleas

Azalea is a classic decoration for a winter garden. Indoor azalea, or, as botanists call it, Sims Rhododendron, blooms from November to March. Lush white, pink or scarlet azalea inflorescences will adorn any greenhouse. If you are serious about arranging a winter garden and do not want the azalea to be a "one-time bouquet", you need to learn more about caring for this whimsical plant.

Blooming winter, or a few words about azaleas
Blooming winter, or a few words about azaleas

A few words about the history of azaleas

Azalea is a deciduous, semi-deciduous or evergreen shrub that has a long history and grows around the globe. Azalea is an obsolete collective name for several plant species of the genus Rhododendron. Rhododendron Sims (also known as Indian azalea) has gained popularity as a flowering pot plant.

The second most popular is Rhododendron Dull (known by the more attractive name - Japanese Azalea). Rhododendrons have been bred for several thousand years, and today there are about 28,000 different varieties and hybrids. Most of the garden and potted species came to America and Western Europe in the period from the end of the 18th to the beginning of the 20th centuries.

Azaleas came to Russia at the end of the 19th century and were initially grown exclusively in the St. Petersburg Botanical Garden.

How to keep a beauty

The first thing you need to know about an azalea is that it will not survive in an apartment or house, because it will be too hot there. It must be kept in a room where the temperature does not exceed a maximum of 18 ° C. Air humidity should reach 70-80%. The ideal place is a greenhouse, a winter garden or a loggia, as far as possible from hot batteries and heating appliances.

Azaleas need loose acidic soil (Ph 3, 5-4, 5). You can buy special soil in the store or mix acidic soil, peat and sand, plus some coniferous soil yourself. Azalea needs to be watered as often as possible, while avoiding stagnant water. Feel the ground with your hand to make sure you need water. If it's not wet enough, it's time for a shower.

The water must be snowy or rainwater. Acidified water can be used from time to time. To do this, you only need 2 grams of citric acid per liter of water.

Remember, contrary to popular belief, the water should not be cold.

Finally, another equally important condition for keeping an azalea is bright diffused light. She does not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight, but she is not too comfortable in the shade.

In the warm season - from spring to autumn - the azalea is taken out into the garden and fed with special fertilizers for rhododendrons. In the winter months, fertilization is sufficient every three to four weeks.

When you bought the azalea in the store, do not rush to repot it - wait until the flowering is complete. The thin superficial roots of the flower must be preserved. They are very easy to damage, so, strictly speaking, you will need a transhipment, not a transplant. This means that you need to carefully transfer the plant to a larger pot without disturbing the clod. When transplanting, the size of the new pot does not increase much, about 3-4 cm in diameter.