Arab dance or belly dance is a wonderful physical activity suitable for women of all ages. Regular Arabic dance practice strengthens the muscles, relieves back pain and significantly improves posture.

Step 1
After a few weeks of regular exercise (at least twice a week), you will notice how your vestibular apparatus will become stronger, and your coordination of movements will improve. Your gait will become smooth, flexible and graceful.
Step 2
Doing most of the basic belly dancing movements improves blood circulation and relieves pelvic congestion. Many instructors say that they and their wards managed to cope with inflammation of the appendages and fibroids with the help of regular exercises. It should be noted that belly dancing relieves PMS and relieves pain during menstruation.
Step 3
After several months of stable exercises, the spinal column is noticeably strengthened, pain disappears, and posture improves. This dance style is a good prevention of osteochondrosis and hypertension. It significantly improves joint flexibility, which is especially valuable for older women.
Step 4
Muscle isolation techniques, special arm movements and shoulder girdle fixation help dancers maintain a good chest shape or even tighten it a little.
Step 5
Shaking is one of the main elements of belly dancing. It eliminates cellulite, prevents the formation of fatty deposits in especially problem areas of the buttocks and thighs. Rhythmic breathing, which begins the study of Arabic dances, significantly reduces the level of stress, helps to get rid of depression and apathy.
Step 6
Belly dancing is recommended for women who are planning a pregnancy. This dance perfectly trains the most important muscles that are usually not involved in life, strengthens the muscles of the back, and it is it that bears the main load when carrying a child, and also prevents the occurrence of varicose veins. In addition, in the process of dancing, the abdominal press and muscles of the perineum are strengthened, which simplifies the periods of labor and childbirth, and reduces the risk of birth injuries.
Step 7
Belly dance improves the condition of the skin remarkably, especially the skin of the face. The fact is that it normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, which begins to work more productively, quickly relieves the body of accumulated toxins and toxins.
Step 8
Despite all of the above, you need to understand that Arab dances cannot be a panacea for all diseases. There are people for whom belly dancing is contraindicated. Before starting classes, especially if you have any serious health problems, it is very important to consult a doctor.