Adult ficuses have a lot of problems: these are possible pests, diseases, the pot has become small … Often, when you look at a dying plant, it is not clear what to do with it and how to treat it. Usually, so that the indoor flower does not wither, it is recommended to transplant it. But, on the other hand, it is the ficus that does not like transplants. What to do? Let's try to figure it out together.

If your ficus is withered, you should first examine it for pests. They usually settle on the inside of the leaves and in the axils, sometimes on the trunk. Any "objects", be they boxes, sticks or circles - a reason to be wary. Then the ficus needs to be shown to a specialist or search for information on the Internet in specialized forums.
Before starting treatment, you can wash the leaves of the ficus with warm boiled water, then spray it with epin according to the instructions. Usually 5-7 drops are enough for 200 g of water. Epin, of course, does not kill pests or cure diseases, but it raises the general immunity of plants and is good as a preventive measure.
Another reason that the ficus "hand over" is poor conditions of detention. In principle, ficus is an unpretentious plant, but it does not tolerate heat well and if it is poured over. There must be a drainage hole in the bottom of the pot.
Ficus should be replanted at least once a year. To do this, take a pot 7-8 centimeters wider in diameter and 10 centimeters more in height, the material does not matter. First, fill the pot with drainage 3-4 cm. Remove the ficus from the old pot, shake the ground, remove the rotten roots, sprinkle the cuts with crushed (possibly activated) charcoal. Check for earthworm larvae or eggs, especially if there is at least one in the old pot. Place the ficus in a new pot and cover with fresh soil to the same level.