The human body is not only a biological body, it also has a complex complex of bioenergetic shells, which many call an aura. Diseases are not just damage to the physical component, but first of all, a violation of the integrity of the aura. This means that treatment must certainly begin with its recovery.

Step 1
Determine the state of your aura. The ideal aura is egg-shaped and evenly distributed around the body. Psychics claim that the ideal length of the aura is no more than one meter. If it is too tight, the person will feel too intimidated, may be prone to neuroses and other nervous diseases. If the aura is too extended, the person will be too scattered, will have difficulties with serious mental activity.
Step 2
Restore your own aura with the following manipulations: retire in a spacious room in which you feel calm and safe.
Step 3
Close your eyes, try to feel the area spreading around your entire body. Feel what the aura will seem to you: weak, soft, loose, or energetic and dense.
Step 4
Determine its width along the sides of your body, and then above your head and below your feet.
Step 5
Correct the shape of your aura so that it acquires a clear ovoid shape, with your hands mark the space surrounding your body, pushing the aura away from you where necessary and pulling it in where it protrudes too much forward.
Step 6
Observe your feelings as you adjust your aura, you should feel a sense of peace and comfort.
Step 7
Imagine a golden shower of streams of light streaming through your aura, and notice that it feels very pleasant. Golden rain should "go" over you for at least two to five minutes.
Step 8
Remove the golden shower and slowly open your eyes.