If old jeans are tired, frayed and frayed, do not rush to throw them away. With the help of simple manipulations, an old thing can be turned into a fashionable thing - to the envy of all friends. Give a second life to your favorite jeans.

Step 1
Do the jeans look worn? Use this - scour the edges of pockets and the surface of your trousers here and there with a grater or pumice stone. Now make cuts on one leg under the pocket, and on the other above the knee. Also use a grater or pumice stone to cut the incisions. A few movements - and you have fashionable "aged" jeans in your hands.
Step 2
If you know how to embroider, consider that half the job is already done. You can embroider jeans with floss, sequins, beads and beads. Come up with a pattern and get started. You can limit yourself to flowers, butterflies or geometric shapes. If you are embroidering with threads, first check if they fade.
Step 3
Buy some decals from a craft store and use a hot iron to glue them to your jeans. Just place the applique on the jeans with the picture down and apply a hot iron for 30-50 seconds.
Step 4
Sew decorative pockets or stars in leather or contrasting fabric on the leg. You can also decorate jeans with butterfly or fairy brooches. These pins are sold at craft stores.
Step 5
Do you like to draw? Get your fabric acrylics and get to work. Draw whatever your heart desires: decorate the pockets with an unusual pattern, paint the bottom of the legs, or draw something similar to Japanese characters on the hips above the knees. You can paint with a thin or thick brush, whichever suits you best.
Step 6
Old light-colored jeans can be "welded" by throwing them in boiling water with salt and bleach. Boil for an hour and get ready to get a completely new and fashionable thing - “boiled” jeans with divorces.
Step 7
Men's jeans can be upgraded with camouflage fabric: cut out patches or squares and sew onto worn areas. A more sophisticated option - camouflage fabric patches and iron buttons. Sew on the patches and secure them with large metal buttons.
Step 8
You can update men's jeans by stitching additional bulky pockets on them, over the old ones. Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone - and update your jeans, and get rid of the need to carry a bag for the necessary little things. Pockets can be made with Velcro or with zippers, for special preservation of the contents. Lining the inside of the pockets with a raincoat to protect from the weather.
Step 9
You can decorate old jeans with fabric appliqués. Just cut flowers, suns or clouds from any suitable fabric and sew on a sewing machine to frayed places. Instead of fabric appliqués, tie flowers from the rest of any yarn and sew over pockets or along the hip line. Whole compositions can be made from individual fabric or knitted appliques.