Since the beginning of the 2000s, such a genre of network creativity as "fanfiction" has become more and more popular. It is generally accepted that it is characteristic of the younger generation, but it happens that people who are already over thirty are fond of "fan fiction". However, even representatives of the older generations can remember how they, in childhood and adolescence, wrote in their notebooks "sequels" of their favorite books or films. If you want to try your hand at this field - why not?

Fanfiction: pros and cons
If we consider fanfiction as a hobby, then keep in mind that this type of creativity does not pay off commercially in any way, unlike handmade, for example. If the teddy bear you sewn can still be sold, then with fan text it is not possible. After all, fan fiction, in essence, is a fan story about heroes already invented by another author, who are subject to copyright, that is, it is strictly forbidden to extract commercial benefits from this. But if you are haunted by your own version of the development of events that happened with your favorite characters, and you just want to share it with your friends - why not write it?
There is a definite benefit to fan fiction: it trains the imagination, it helps to hone literacy and the style of presenting one's thoughts. Unless, of course, you are not lazy to look into dictionaries and listen to the advice of readers and editors.
It often happens that the authors of fanfiction thanks to them create popularity in the Internet communities dedicated to their favorite books and films. But do not expect that after the first publication you will collect a lot of enthusiastic comments and requests in the spirit of "author, write more!" You can get critical remarks, or it can come out in such a way that no one will pay attention to the text. This can discourage any desire to continue further creative activity.
Tips for a beginner fanwriter:
As much as you would like it - you do not need to start a fanwriter's "career" with long literary works, such as a novel or a story. It can be difficult for a beginner: suddenly there is not enough time, patience, experience? Better to start by writing a short story. It will also be easier and faster for readers to familiarize themselves with it, and leave a comment to the author. If all goes well, a whole series of stories could be made.
It is better for a young author not to undertake descriptions of explicit love scenes or desperate battles. To begin with, write about what you are familiar with, or carefully look for missing information on the Internet. Otherwise, you risk making your readers laugh, even if your work is far from the humorous genre.
It will be easier to navigate the plot if you sketch out a detailed plan for the future text, and first discuss it with a friend who might notice shortcomings and logical errors from which no one is immune. It will be easier to fix the plan than to rewrite the finished story.
A fully written text definitely needs proofreading and proofreading. Contact one of your friends with experience writing and editing fanfiction to fix any possible mistakes that you might not have noticed yourself. You should not rely on auto-checking or solely on your own literacy - no one is immune from mistakes, even professional writers need editors.
If you carefully check and correct your fanfiction, perhaps it is thanks to it that you will be able to find new friends and like-minded people who share your feelings for your favorite characters, and receive the recognition they deserve from readers.