Fan fiction is a kind of creativity of fans of a work, a story in which a plot, heroes or some other details of an existing work are involved. Fanfiction is usually written by fans for other fans and posted on dedicated sites and forums.

Step 1
Decide on which piece you want to create fanfiction, choose the main characters, present the general plot and mood of the fanfiction. Do you want to write a humorous story or will your work tell about the tragic death of a hero? You'd better decide on this in advance and strictly follow the chosen mood. If you want to come up with a comic happy ending after a romantic fic in which the main character died tragically in battle, you may restore your peace of mind, but the reader will find such a move inappropriate.
Step 2
Describe the plot point by point. And then write down each item in subparagraphs. It is important that you clearly understand where and at what time your hero will go, whom he will fall in love with, with whom he will become enemies, what artifact he will find and where he will lose his mobile phone. Otherwise, you cannot avoid inconsistencies and overlooked trifles.
Step 3
Note for yourself the main character traits of the characters you have taken. Sometimes, for the sake of the plot, the authors change them beyond recognition, and from under their pen emerge the delicately feeling Spock and Voldemort, weaving a wreath of dandelions. If the character of the character does not fit into the storyline in any way, change the plot, not the hero.
Step 4
There are two ways to create fanfiction. Some authors write, waiting for inspiration, coming up with chapters in no particular order, then reading, rearranging and creating a complete work. Others write a "synopsis" of the fick, gradually filling it with details. Choose the method that suits you best.
Step 5
After you've finished your piece, let the fanfiction sit down. Re-read it in a few days - this way you will better see all the mistakes and unsuccessful moves. It's great if you have a beta - someone who reads your fanfiction, points out bugs and fixes bugs.
Step 6
When uploading fanfiction to the network, come up with a name for it, write a "cap" in which you indicate the genre, the characters, the rating, and a short description. Write down who owns the original characters. If necessary, issue a warning in which you include plot details that might confuse the potential reader.