How To Make A Bouquet Of Balloons

How To Make A Bouquet Of Balloons
How To Make A Bouquet Of Balloons

The bouquet will always be a good gift, suitable for almost any occasion. However, bouquets of flowers that are familiar to all of us, made according to the best traditions, are so common in our life that it will be difficult to surprise the person being gifted. Without the effect of surprise, the gift seems to be an ordinary symbol of attention, devoid of individuality. But the bouquet can be made completely non-standard, for example, to collect a bunch of balloons.

a bouquet of balloons
a bouquet of balloons

The fashion for non-standard bouquets has appeared relatively recently. The traditional bouquet has ceased to amaze and bring sincere joy. However, a celebration often involves a bouquet as a gift.

They began to replace the lively bouquet with various interesting novelties. There are bouquets of sweets or balloons. Such bouquets for some time seemed very original, pleasing to the eye and retained their appearance for a long time. In addition, some people do not like to receive exactly fresh flowers due to moral convictions. The living bouquet fades and this is regrettable. A plant that has been cut will quickly die and it would be much better examined in its natural habitat.

In this case, such a non-standard replacement as a bouquet of balloons would be the best option. But the popular store-made options for these bouquets are quite expensive. Therefore, making a bouquet of balloons yourself is a very good decision, which will allow you to get an original gift at a very low cost.

How to choose elements for a bouquet of balloons

You can choose the composition of the bouquet yourself, guided only by your own imagination. However, the color, size, shape and location of these components are better to use the classic one.

Today, you can find completely different balloons on sale. Some of them are made in the shape of hearts, and some in the shape of animals. There are also the most common round balloons. If we consider sizes and colors, then there is also a huge variety.

According to the methods of fastening the balls, one can distinguish. If the balloon flies, then it can also be used for a bouquet, but it will be much more difficult to assemble a single composition. Better to use balls on a plastic rack.

In a bouquet of balloons you can. For example, serpentine or even Christmas tree garlands. All these elements also need to be placed on a plastic rack, which will greatly simplify the work.

There are and. Various sequins and postcards on sticks for embedding in a bouquet.

Working with ready-made objects is very easy. It is enough just to fasten the racks of the elements in a convenient way. This can be done using wire, ties, thread, or even electrical tape. Next, it remains to decorate the assembled bouquet with ribbons and wrap it in beautiful paper.

The laws of composition, which you need to pay attention to when assembling a bouquet

The composition of a successful bouquet is built according to some classical rules.

The bouquet should have some center of the composition. He draws attention to himself and should be given special emphasis. For example, if we are talking about a bouquet for a wedding, then in the center of such a composition it will be correct to place a large ball in the shape of a heart, on which the inscription “Love” or “Wedding!” Is applied. If we are making a bouquet for a birthday, then we need to choose a balloon with a congratulation. If it is planned to present a gift to a child, then the center of the composition can be made a ball in the form of an animal or a superhero. The child will surely appreciate such an emphasis on his hobbies.

The surroundings of the center of the bouquet should be equal. The composition must be balanced. After we have decided on the center of the bouquet, we need to arrange the decorations evenly around its main detail. It is important to remember about the principle of symmetry. For example, you can place slightly smaller balls around the main ball. But they must be the same type and shape.

It is important to remember the correct combination of colors and standard scales. Prohibited combinations should not be used. For example, "red - blue" without auxiliary colors is visually poorly perceived.

Monotony in a bouquet is also not welcome. Lots of repetitive details will make it boring. It is better to use symmetrically arranged various decorations. For example, for a wedding bouquet with the center of the composition in the form of a ball with an inscription, artificial olive tree branches and small soft teddy bears will be an excellent environment. Take pairs of bears and branches, arrange them cross-on-cross at the same level relative to the center and you will get an interesting start to the composition.

The whole bouquet is built according to this logic.

Making a bouquet from balloons without using additional decorations

In addition to combined bouquets of balloons and soft toys or postcards, there are bouquets that are made only from balloons. Unlike bouquets with additional elements, making such bouquets is a little more difficult.

As a starting material. In particular, elongated curly balls are actively used, which can be used as fasteners or for making figures. In this case, the whole bouquet is made only from balls.

In order to make such a bouquet, you need to learn how to work with oblong balls and make shapes out of them. It's pretty straightforward. Experiment with such balls and you will understand that the process is fun and understandable even for a child. The curly balls are very easy to modify, retain their shape and are quite durable.

After that, arm yourself with tips for shaping the composition of the bouquet and use your imagination.

There can be a huge number of implementation options. From an ordinary bouquet of daisies to a bear made of balloons holding a bouquet of tulips.

In this case, the balls are held together using soft elastic bands or strong threads. You can use duct tape or double-sided tape. The balls themselves are tied without the use of threads per knot. A special pump is useful for inflating the balls with air.
