Children's playhouses in nature are a great way to entertain children during the warmer months. Building a tree house in itself is a fun process for children and adults, and playing in such a house can be a favorite pastime for your children and their friends. Building a tree house is easy - you will need a rope for the rope ladder, a wooden shield for the platform, and beams to secure it. You can also complicate the house - add a roof, walls, windows and a door.

Step 1
Find a tree that is thick and sturdy enough to build a house that will support your structure and ensure the safety of the children in the house.
Step 2
In order for the growth of the tree not to interfere with the structure of the house, it must be built not on the trunk, but around the trunk, giving the tree space for free growth.
Step 3
Use solid 75x75mm wooden piles to support the house. In order for the piles to stand firmly on the ground, install them on a concrete foundation.
Step 4
Make a spacious wooden platform with enough space for children to play, in two parts - in the center of the assembled platform there should be a hole for a tree. There should be a small free space from the edges of the hole to the barrel.
Step 5
The platform must be solid, it must not wobble or wobble. Take a 2 cm thick sheet of plywood or chipboard as the material for the platform. Reinforce the platform on the back with wooden beams and place it on the support piles.
Step 6
To ensure the safety of children, install special barriers and handrails, or walls with windows and doors on the platform. Secure the side panels to the platform with nuts and bolts.
Step 7
Hang a sturdy rope ladder from the platform for the children to use to climb into the house. Reinforce the ladder on a sturdy branch so that it does not slip or break.