The pentagram or five-pointed star is one of the main symbols of occult science. It has an interesting property - it can be drawn without removing the pen from the sheet. But if it's easy to draw a star by hand, then in order to draw it evenly, you need to have drawing tools such as a pencil, compasses and a protractor. However, you can do without the latter.

Step 1
There are several ways to draw a five-pointed star. Let's describe the main ones. Construction with a compass and a ruler (Figure 1) This method was proposed by the Renaissance painter Albrecht Durer. It is supposed to build a five-pointed star inside a regular pentagon inscribed in a circle. To do this, first draw a circle with a compass. The rays of the star will touch the circle, based on this, calculate its radius. Draw a straight line (AB) through the center of the constructed shape (O). Create a line segment perpendicular to it equal to the diameter of the circle (OD). Divide the radius OA in half at point E and draw line segment ED. Set segment CE equal to ED on diameter AB, using point C. Draw segment CD. The length of this segment is the side of the pentagon. Set aside the length of CD from point D on the circle 5 times. It turned out to be a pentagon. It remains only to connect the corners of the pentagon through one - in the end you will build a five-pointed star.
Step 2
Constructing with a protractor, compass and ruler (Figure 2) This method is much simpler than the one described above. In this case, the star will also be inscribed in a circle, but you do not need to build a regular pentagon. It is enough to draw a circle, draw a diameter, raise the radius to it perpendicularly, put the protractor parallel to the segment of the diameter and put on the circle a point 72o from the point at which the radius touches the circle. Now place the compass needle at this point and the lead at the radius point. Set aside this length 5 times over the circumference. Now you know where the star touches the drawn shape with the rays. Connect the dots through one. The pentagram is ready.
Step 3
If you attach a symbolic meaning to the five-pointed star, then when constructing it, remember that the pentagrams drawn clockwise have the creative property, and the destructive property - counterclockwise.