Coins are a very practical thing. They can not only be taken to a bank or store and exchanged for paper money, but also sold to numismatists if your savings are of interest to them. Many different crafts can be made from unnecessary coins.

What can you think of from coins
If you have a coffee table with a glass top in your apartment, you can decorate it with trifles. To do this, you need transparent glue. Gently apply a drop of glue to the coin and glue it to the underside of the table so you can see it through the glass. Such a table will become very unusual and creative. Dust on the surface of a glass table decorated in this way will be much less noticeable.
Coins can be used to decorate a bottle of an interesting shape, a vase, a piggy bank, a lamp, a clock, as well as a car bumper, a box, a flower pot, a chandelier, and other items. Here, the main thing is to turn on imagination.
If you paste over a simple photo frame with them, it will sparkle with new colors and perfectly complement any interior. If you insert a high-quality photo into such a frame, you will get an excellent gift.
It will be good to make a tower of coins with a child - a wonderful educational game. Only the baby must be over three years old, otherwise such a toy can be dangerous to him.
You can take an old jacket and stick coins on it tightly to each other - you get a stage mail! You can play in it in performances of home or amateur theater or go to a masquerade. If your child has a matinee in kindergarten soon - a great costume idea, for example, by Ilya Muromets. Nobody will have that. And if you paste over a long dress with pennies, you get a royal or even an imperial stage outfit. Just keep in mind that the weight of such a suit is significantly different from that made from fabrics.
You can decorate the space on the ceiling around the chandelier with the contents of your piggy bank. First draw with a thin line the pattern you would like to see there, then carefully glue the coins along the pencil line. The glue must be very reliable so that one fine day the "precious rain" does not fall on your head.
If you make holes in the coins, you can come up with and make many types of jewelry: bracelets, necklaces, necklaces, pendants. And also make the world famous money tree. To do this, take a wire, twist it into the trunk and make twigs with leaves, where the leaves are your savings. Plant the tree in a flower pot. Instead of earth, you can use beautiful stones and the same coins.
There is a technology for making rings from coins, but this art is not subject to everyone, it requires professional knowledge and skills.
You can simply draw a picture on cardboard and stick metal money on top of it, along the contour and inside - you will get an interesting panel.
Coins are a real boon for landscape designers. If you want to make an alpine slide with a fountain at your dacha, pennies will perfectly decorate it, even if you just throw them in bulk at the bottom of the fountain.
And also, if there are a lot of coins, you can decorate the entire path from the gate to the house with them in the country.
They can be dyed according to your idea or left with their natural color - that's how you wish.
Do not forget that making coins from coins is a very painstaking work that requires perseverance, attention and patience.
How else can you use coins
If one of your friends is planning a solemn event - a wedding! Take your savings with you, there is such a tradition, to throw them at the feet of the newlyweds so that their financial situation is at their best.
You can also give the newlyweds a bag of small money for the financial well-being of the family.
A handful of coins thrown into a donation box for the needs of an orphanage will certainly not be wasted, since it will serve noble goals, and at the same time add pluses to your karma.