What Can Be Made From Many Dimes Coins

What Can Be Made From Many Dimes Coins
What Can Be Made From Many Dimes Coins

Shiny small coins can accumulate in large quantities at home. Turn them into fun souvenirs. The production itself will allow you to spend your time creatively, and the result of your work will be able to decorate your apartment in an unusual way or serve as a gift for friends.

What can be made from a variety of ten-kopeck coins
What can be made from a variety of ten-kopeck coins

Topiary of coins

An original topiary can be made from ten-kopeck coins. For the base of the money tree, take a styrofoam ball or make your own from papier-mâché. Use a sharp knife to make a hole in it so that you can insert the trunk of the topiary. As a trunk, select a branch or cardboard roll from foil or cling film that is of a suitable size, which you can decorate with jute rope or woolen thread. Spread one end of it with transparent glue and secure in the ball.

Use a flower pot, large mug, or wide-necked earthenware vase for a stand. If you don't have anything suitable on hand, use a plastic yogurt or mayonnaise container. Decorate it with a piece of burlap, colored paper or cloth.

Dissolve the alabaster in a small bucket according to the instructions. Place the topiary barrel in the stand in the center and fill it with the solution. Let sit for a few minutes until the mass hardens. Leave the workpiece for a few hours to completely solidify the alabaster.

Start placing dimes on the ball in a spiral, starting from the top. Place them close to each other. Use a hot glue gun. If you are not going to cover the tree with paint, but want to leave the coins as they are, pre-paint the base with acrylic so that it does not shine through in between.

Goldfish made of coins

This craft, if done carefully, will come in handy for symbolic gifts to friends. According to legends, figurines with coins bring material prosperity to the house, so your friends will be happy with both the gift and its meaning.

For the base of the fish, find a plastic or rubber fish-shaped toy for children of the right size. Wrap it in cling film. Tear the cheap gray toilet paper into chunks and soak in a bucket. Then squeeze, add a little PVA glue and knead with your hands. You should have a plastic mass. Cover the wrapped fish with it and smooth with wet hands. Leave to dry in a warm place overnight.

Cut the frozen papier-mâché with a sharp knife or scalpel so that you get two halves of the fish. Take out the toy, join the halves and glue them with a new layer of papier-mâché. The base for the fish is ready.

Cut out the fishtail and fins from thick cardboard painted with gold paint. Glue them to the craft. Using dimes, line the scales to the fish. Start at the tail. Each next coin must go to the previous one. Thus, cover the entire product. For fish eyes, you can use ready-made plastic ones or cut them out of felt.
