According to the encyclopedia, the cards are just sheets of paper to play with. However, as world history shows, these sheets of paper brought a lot of troubles and benefits, and sometimes even changed human destinies. Cards are not only a game of chance, but also a "patience trainer" - try to build a house of cards.

Step 1
So, the card is a rectangle made of thin cardboard, which has two large sides and two small ones. To build a house of cards, you need at least one deck of 36 cards. For a start, it's best to take a shabby card with wrinkled edges. They maintain stability better. You can also cheat a little and slightly wet the edges of the cards with saliva so that they stick together slightly. Houses should be built on a flat, smooth and stable surface.
Step 2
Build a classic house. Take two cards, place them on small edges at a distance of about 5 cm from each other, tilt with the vertices until they touch, so that you get the letter L. Thus, build several more supporting vertices next to each other. Next, place the cards flat on their edge so that one end of the card lies on one vertex, and the other end on the adjacent one. On the resulting site, rebuild the support vertices, etc.
Step 3
House of triangles. Place three cards on large edges next to each other to form an equilateral triangle. Lay one or two cards flat on this structure. On the resulting area, build a triangle again. With such triangles, you can expand the house in different directions, attaching map after map. The house turns out to be stable and resembles a triangular honeycomb.
Step 4
Standard house. Most card "architects" use this method. Take four cards and place them on the small edges in a square so that each subsequent side of the square starts from the middle of the edge of the card. If you look from above, you get as if four T, connected to each other. This position of the cards is considered the most stable and allows you to collect high enough structures.