Sometimes the music from the advertisement is remembered much better than the object that the creators of the video inform the consumer about. I would like to listen to the melody I like, download it to my phone and even put it instead of a call, but the question is - who is singing this song, what is it called, and where to find it.

Step 1
Use any search engine. Enter "song / melody from advertising …" in the search bar. If the manufacturer regularly releases videos, enter the year, for example, "Nike 2012 ad song". Examine the list of sites found, find the artist name and song title. Some search engines allow you to listen to the melody, the result will be displayed before the list of sites.
Step 2
Try to memorize some words or phrases from the song. If you do not speak the foreign language in which the song is performed, ask someone to record them. It will also make it easier for you to find the tune you want if you know who the performer is. Enter the phrase in the search bar, at the end add "lyrics". In the list of selected sites, find the most relevant one. By the name of the author and the title, you can find the desired song for listening or downloading.
Step 3
Refer to specialized ad music databases such as SplendAd. There you can select a brand or manufacturer from an alphabetical list. Watch the video, make sure it is the music you are interested in, look at the title of the song and the name of the artist. Search results are usually presented in chronological order.
Step 4
If you are interested in music from commercials shot several years ago, check out the Adtunes site for music from commercials. To search for the desired song, enter the brand name and year in a separate line, if you know, and click the “Search” button.
Step 5
Find a song you like from an advertisement on a Russian advertisement site. You can find videos by topic (food, beverages, household chemicals, etc.) or brand name, they are listed alphabetically in the center of the main page. Under the video you will see the inscription "Music", the artist and the composition are indicated there.