The purpose of advertising photography is to present the product in the best possible light. To make it so appetizing / beautiful / attractive that anyone who looks at it wants to buy or try it first of all. While clearly commercialized, advertising photography is often not devoid of artistic merit. How to strike a balance between commercial success and creative freedom when creating advertising photography?

It is necessary
- - camera;
- - professional light;
- - models;
- - fantasy;
Step 1
Use photography genres known to you in advertising photography. Just keep in mind a few features. A portrait in advertising photography is not just a display of a person. A portrait in an advertisement, as a rule, conveys an image that a potential buyer would like to be like.
Step 2
The image, whatever it is, should look attractive. Tasty, chic, solid, sexy, comfortable, etc. Those. possess qualities that can motivate potential buyers or customers to purchase.
Step 3
Use light to create an attractive look. Competently placed light will help to make the product bright and voluminous. Pay attention to how jewelry, cosmetics, expensive cars are removed. All these products use different types of lighting to enhance their natural color and brilliance.
Step 4
Carefully design the plot of your advertising shot. Such a snapshot never shows the present, it is always an image of the future. A potential buyer looks at this photo and understands that when he buys this product, he will find himself in the world shown in the picture.
Step 5
Give the potential buyer the opportunity to link the image of their successful future with the use of the advertised product directly. The subject of the photo should attract the audience for which the product is intended. If your task is to advertise a brand of women's clothing, take pictures of beautiful female models in these clothes. This will help you attract customers. The secret of success is simple - everyone wants to be beautiful.