Zodiac Circle And Its Components

Zodiac Circle And Its Components
Zodiac Circle And Its Components

Many have heard about the signs of the zodiac and represent the character of representatives of different signs on the example of their loved ones. To better understand horoscopes and astrology, you need to get an idea of the Zodiacal circle, which runs through the 13 constellations.

Zodiac circle
Zodiac circle

What is the Zodiac Circle

The zodiac circle crosses 13 constellations, the well-known Aries, Aquarius, Pisces and beyond, as well as the constellation Ophiuchus. However, the circle is divided into 12 equal parts, each of which is allocated 30 degrees. The full circle represents the year. Due to the rotation of the Earth around its axis, it seems that the planets and stars rotate counterclockwise, and the Sun passes in all signs of the zodiac from east to west.

In Western astrology, the so-called tropical zodiac is adopted, in which the beginning is reckoned from the point of the vernal equinox. However, Eastern scientists prefer to use the sidereal circle tied to the real position of the constellations. Due to such a discrepancy, for example, the horoscopes of European and Indian astrologers may not coincide.

All the planets of the solar system at different times find themselves inside the constellations of the zodiacal circle. According to astrologers, they exert their influence on people, plants and animals. For example, the Moon awakens various forces, helps to maintain health, Venus gives love, Mars makes people show will, aggressiveness, perseverance.

History and secrets of the zodiac

During the year, the Sun moves across the starry sky, appearing alternately in all constellations. In ancient times, people gave these constellations the names of animals. The zodiac was invented back in Mesopotamia, then this teaching spread to Egypt, Greece, India. Even the ancient Greeks knew about the presence of 13 signs, but excluded it from the calculations for convenience. In fact, the sign of Ophiuchus is located at the junction of Sagittarius and Scorpio.

Over the past 2000 years since the invention of the Zodiacal circle, the position of the stars in the sky has changed somewhat due to a change in the tilt of the earth's axis. As a result, the modern boundaries of the constellations do not exactly correspond to the division into 12 equal parts, the dates of the entry of the Sun into them differ from those assigned by astrologers.

Originally, the Babylonians divided the zodiac into 8 parts. These were the four winter signs, which were called "water" names, because in Mesopotamia at this time there was a rainy season - Scorpio, Capricorn (Goat fish), Aquarius and Pisces. In summer, heat and drought began, the Sun passed through the constellations of Taurus, Gemini, Leo and Virgo. Moreover, the time of Leo is the hottest and most difficult time when the Sun personified a bloodthirsty dangerous beast. The Greeks added four more constellations to these constellations. Later, the signs were attributed to the elements of Fire, Water, Earth, Air.
