Comfortable and warm clothes for the baby's legs, knitted with their own hands, will warm the child and prevent him from getting cold. There are many ways to knit small shoes, but before knitting booties, you need to choose the right yarn for them.

Step 1
Give preference to yarns originally created and intended for children's products - such yarns with special marks are subjected to more rigorous quality control and safety for babies during manufacture.
Step 2
If you could not find a special yarn, follow the guidelines below. Stop your choice on yarn made from natural fibers - cotton, wool, in extreme cases - acrylic. Natural threads will allow the baby's feet to breathe, will absorb moisture, while maintaining constant heat, the booties will not become electrified, creating a static charge. The only thing is that booties knitted from natural threads may slightly decrease in size after the first wash, so either you first need to tie the sample and wash it to look at the shrinkage of the product, or knit the booties a little more than the baby's leg - in any case, the child quickly is growing and even slightly large booties will soon come in handy.
Step 3
The yarn should not be dyed with toxic bright dyes, because, most likely, particles of such dye will stand out, affecting not the best way on sensitive baby skin. However, don't go to the other extreme and make baby shoes white - there are many muted, pastel colors. As for the child himself, child psychologists have established that at a very early age, babies like shades of yellow, green and orange. So the yarn can be selected based on the preferences of the baby.
Step 4
But the thickness of the thread does not really matter - except that booties for the cold period are knitted from thicker ones, and in the summer, when it is already warm outside and in the house, you can put on light booties from thin threads on the legs. Although, of course, younger children are better off choosing a thinner and softer yarn that would not chafe sensitive skin.
Step 5
And finally, get yarn from trusted brands and well-known manufacturers so that the threads do not roll and deform, so that lovingly knitted booties do not lose their appearance after a couple of days of wearing and washing.