How To Make A Mobius Strip Out Of Paper

How To Make A Mobius Strip Out Of Paper
How To Make A Mobius Strip Out Of Paper

Table of contents:


Until 1858, it was believed that any surface necessarily has two sides. For example, a sheet of paper is double-sided. But a professor at the University of Leipzig, geometer August Ferdinand Moebius constructed an incredible, at first glance, surface - one-sided. It is called the Mobius strip.

How to make a Mobius strip out of paper
How to make a Mobius strip out of paper

It is necessary

  • paper,
  • scissors,
  • glue


Step 1

To get a Moebius, cut a strip from a sheet of paper. Its proportions can be any, but it is better that the length of the strip is 5-6 times the width, otherwise you will be inconvenient to work with it further.

Step 2

Spread the resulting strip on a flat surface, hold one end and carefully rotate the other 180 degrees - so that the strip twists and the wrong side of the sheet becomes the front.

Step 3

Glue the ends of the twisted strip together. The one-sided object, the Mobius strip, is ready.

Step 4

To make sure the ribbon really does have one side, take a pen or pencil and try to paint over one side. After a while, you will find that you have painted over the entire ribbon.

Step 5

The mysterious properties of the Mobius strip are not limited to this. For example, if you take a pair of scissors and cut the ribbon in the middle, instead of two single-sided ribbons (as you would expect), you get one long and double-sided ribbon (with two half-turns of paper). The resulting design is called the Afghan ribbon. If, in turn, cut it in the middle, you will get two ribbons intertwined with each other. And if you cut the Mobius strip not in the center of the strip, but along a line that divides the surface in a 2: 1 ratio, then the result will be two objects at once: both the Mobius strip and the Afghan strip.
