Anyone who listens to music on a computer wants to find out from time to time what song he just heard - in the event that neither the artist, nor the album, nor the name of the song are indicated in the tags of the track. Similar situations arise when listening to the radio, when you liked the track playing on the air, but you didn’t hear who was playing it. It would seem that it is almost impossible to solve such a problem, especially if you do not remember a word from the lyrics of the song, or you have heard a purely instrumental composition, but in reality this is not so - you can find out the name of the song using special programs and services.

Step 1
Having heard an unknown song on any radio station, it is easy to find its name and artist, remembering the name of the radio station and opening its website. Usually, the radio station's website contains lists of music being played on the air. Try to remember at what time you heard the song, and listen to a snippet of the broadcast online corresponding to that time.
Step 2
It is more difficult to find the artist of a song that you have found on your computer, and special services will help you here - for example, MusicBrainz or CDex - a database that allows you to recover the names of music from an unsigned CD.
Step 3
If you want to understand what kind of song is playing in a movie, video or advertisement, or you have found an old CD, and do not know what is recorded on it, it is best to use the Tunatic program.
Step 4
It is a powerful utility that allows you to identify a song in minutes. Install and run the program, connect a microphone to your computer and make sure you have a working internet connection.
Step 5
After setting up the microphone, check if it is responsive to sound and play the music you want to identify the source by bringing the speaker to the microphone. Without turning off the music, in an open program, click on the search icon in the form of a magnifying glass to start identifying the track.
Step 6
You will have to wait a while - from 20 seconds to 2 minutes, until the program detects the artist and the name of your music and until it prompts you to find detailed information about the song on Google, on Wikipedia or on the well-known music service