How To Make A Bouquet Of Gum

How To Make A Bouquet Of Gum
How To Make A Bouquet Of Gum

A bouquet of gum is a wonderful souvenir that can be presented for various holidays, for example, March 8, Valentine's Day, birthday, etc. Creating such a present is not an easy task, but if you have a little free time and the necessary materials for its manufacture and you want to give your loved one something unusual, then be sure to try to make an original bunch of chewing gum.

How to make a bouquet of gum
How to make a bouquet of gum

To make a bouquet you will need:

- very thick cardboard;

- wrapped chewing gum (about 25-30 pieces);

- green satin ribbon (about three meters);

- glue;

- scotch tape;

- green lace (no more than a meter);

- penoplex;

- the body of three old handles;

- decorative beads;

- five to seven small artificial flowers (you can make them yourself from corrugated paper).

The first step is to cut out a circle with a diameter of about 15-17 cm from thick cardboard, and inside it in the middle cut a small circle no more than two centimeters in diameter. Glue the three handles together with scotch tape (as a result, you should get one handle of the required diameter, which will later serve as a handle for the bouquet).

Next, you need to take the resulting blanks and wrap them in a green flight in a spiral so that the gaps are not visible, of course, not forgetting to glue it.

Glue the lace in a circle of a round blank, then join two parts together: a handle and a round base. The junction can be decorated, for example, with beads.

Cut a circle with a diameter of 15-17 cm from the penoplex and carefully form a hemisphere out of it.

Paste the resulting blank with chewing gums in a circle, fill the gaps with artificial flowers and beads (it is worth remembering that not only the proposed elements can be used as a decor, but also rhinestones, stones, artificial insects in the form of butterflies, dragonflies, etc.).

Glue the penoplex to the previously created part of the bouquet. A bouquet of gum is ready.
