"Elastic" is an obligatory element of jumpers, sweaters and pullovers. It is necessary to create a neat edge of clothing, knitting cuffs on the sleeves. There is a so-called "bulk elastic", the exact name is "English elastic". It looks very beautiful, more spectacular than a regular elastic band, but it cannot be crocheted. Not everyone likes to knit, so an elastic band can be knitted using the knitting technique.
It is necessary
Knocking hook, auxiliary thread, yarn
Step 1
To knit an elastic band, you need to dial a chain of air loops (just as it is recruited when knitting with a regular crochet). The number of loops does not matter.
Step 2
In the "knucking" technique, the loops are recruited from partitions that are formed between the air loops. The set method is similar to a set of loops with knitting needles from a chain of air loops, crocheted. When you set the loops on the hook, you need to alternate one front loop and one purl.
Step 3
For a set of front loops, the thread is left at work; when a set of purl loops, the thread must be transferred to oneself (to the front side of the canvas). The knitting principle is the same as when knitting an elastic band with knitting needles.
Step 4
The first row was tied, which consists of regular front and back loops.
Step 5
When knitting using the knitting technique, only a special hook is used, no additional tools are required. All loops from the hook are transferred to the auxiliary thread. It should be 3.5 times the width of the finished canvas. After the next row is knitted, pull the thread out of the loops.
Step 6
The English elastic is knitted according to the following rule: in all rows, the front loops are removed without knitting with a crochet (remove the loop, put a thread on the hook, knit the next loop), purl loops with a crochet (the thread is located above the loop) are knitted together (except for the second row, so as there are no double crochet stitches in the first row).
Step 7
In the second row, the front loops are removed with a crochet of the thread on the hook, the purl loops are knitted (according to the figure).
Step 8
Knit to the end of the row.
Step 9
Transfer the buttonholes to the auxiliary thread again.
Step 10
In all rows, the first loop must be removed without knitting (this loop is edging).
Step 11
Remove the front loops with a crochet (do not knit).
Step 12
Knit the purl loop together with the yarn, purl loop.
Step 13
In the elastic band, front loops with a crochet and purl loops alternate, which are knitted together with a crochet.
Step 14
Knit a row to the end.
Step 15
Knit the required number of rows.