How To Make A Swan From A Car Tire

How To Make A Swan From A Car Tire
How To Make A Swan From A Car Tire

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For many people, the dacha is a resting place. Some gardeners are used to working in their garden, and sometimes planting everything with vegetables. But in our time, it has become popular to decorate summer cottages with various decors, because this is how they cheer up. In the store you can see figures made of various materials, but for such you will have to "lay out" a rather large sum. And why don't you decorate the interior of the summer cottage yourself, because it is the decor made with your own hands that will warm the soul and delight the eye. One such figure will be a swan made from a car tire.

How to make a swan from a car tire
How to make a swan from a car tire

It is necessary

A tire, a sharp knife or grinder, chalk, thick wire, a few screws


Step 1

Take an old tire and draw chalk lines on it as shown in the picture. Next, with a sharp knife or grinder, cut out the holes along the lines that are shown in the form of hatching and bend them. These will be the wings of your bird.

Step 2

Next, start making the head and neck. To do this, you need to cut out the head along a solid line, in the picture it is depicted in the form of a snake outline.

Step 3

To keep your head straight and not fall off, take a thick, non-bendable wire and secure it between your head and neck with screws.

Step 4

The eyes can be cut out of the rubber residue and attached with screws as well. After the swan is ready, paint it with any paint.
