How To Make A Tulip For A Candy Bouquet

How To Make A Tulip For A Candy Bouquet
How To Make A Tulip For A Candy Bouquet

Combining delicate spring tulips and sweets in one bouquet is a great idea. In addition, you can make such a gift with your own hands. This is a fun and easy process that will give you pleasant moments of creativity.

How to make a tulip for a candy bouquet
How to make a tulip for a candy bouquet

The first version of tulips for a candy bouquet

For making a candy bouquet, floristic corrugated paper is best suited. It is thicker than regular craft paper and holds its shape well.

Take a roll of the color that matches the tulips. Cut strips about 4 cm wide. The length will be equal to the length of a standard roll. Guide the scissors along the corrugation of the paper. Then divide each such long strip across into three identical parts.

Twist each strip in the center and fold it in half over the place where it was twisted. Gently push the center of the paper with your fingers until it curves into a petal shape. Make a few of these for your bouquet. For one tulip, you will have from three to five petals.

Take a wooden skewer that will be the stem for the flower. Adjust it to the length you want right away. If it becomes necessary to shorten it, cut from the blunt end.

If you have ponytails, cut a square out of clear film and wrap it around the candy so that it looks like a Truffle. Use the left wrapped tail of the film for stringing onto a skewer.

Attach a strip of double-sided tape to the blunt end of the skewer. Take a candy that has only one curled tail, straighten it out, and insert a skewer. Wrap the wrapper around the tape. Secure the top with another piece of duct tape or string.

Tulips turn out to be quite strong and well-kept in shape. This color option can be picked directly on a skewer without a candy filling. And put the sweet component into the bud of the finished flower, replenishing it as needed.

Form tulips from the chocolates cooked on skewers. Apply the petals so that the folded part is on top. Secure the bottom with threads. When the bud is harvested, cut a narrow strip of green corrugated paper and wrap around the flower stem. Secure it with a drop of glue at the top and bottom.

The second option for making tulips

From corrugated paper of the desired color, cut rectangles and round off two corners of them on one side. Stretch the center of the petals slightly to make them concave.

Attach the candy to wooden skewers with double-sided tape. Attach three petals and secure them with thread, then make three more outer petals and secure them again.

Wrap the base of the flower and the stem with green tape. Thus, make the required number of tulips for the bouquet.
