The best help for crocheting is a life-size pattern of cut details. It serves as a template through which complex work steps are carried out. For example, with the help of preliminary calculations, you can easily and neatly crochet the armhole of the sleeve of an openwork blouse or top.

It is necessary
- - a thread;
- - hook;
- - knitting pattern;
- - pencil;
- - tracing paper;
- - notebook.
Step 1
Draw a life-size pattern for the left or right armhole of the garment. You can use tracing paper for more convenience. Attach the finished paper template to the finished knitting sample made with the main pattern. A clear picture of the necessary decreases in the columns will become in order to create a smooth rounding of the canvas.
Step 2
See how many rapports (pattern elements) are included in the armhole of the sleeves in length. For example, if a simple air loop arch pattern is used, then each report contains 7 thread bows. For each new arch, the edge is secured by knitting a central link from the same arch of the lower row.
Step 3
In a workbook, write down which parts of one arch (rapport) need to be removed in the first row from work, in the second, etc. According to this sample, calculate the line of the right armhole, but perform its formation in a mirror image.
Step 4
Close the loops for the armhole with different pulling of the working thread using a crochet at the end (one armhole) or at the beginning (another armhole) of the row. Pull the thread up to the first work loop and pull it over the bollard if necessary to lower the fabric at the beginning of the row. Continue knitting as usual. At the same time, the level of the columns rises in the canvas. Remember that the stretched thread should not tighten the knitting, it should lie free.
Step 5
At the end of the row, lower the level of the armhole posts. To do this, tie the canvas to the point of decrease and pull the working thread through the last loop of the row. Draw the ball of thread through the large arc that has been created. Leave the loop on the shaft of the hook, tightening it to the size of an ordinary link in the air chain. Pull the working thread through it and knit further.