Vyacheslav Kantor: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Vyacheslav Kantor: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Vyacheslav Kantor: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Vyacheslav Kantor's social activities cover many countries. Officially, his position sounds like this - President of the European Jewish Congress. It is a serious and influential organization. To coordinate and direct the available resources in the right direction, the President has to show restraint and wisdom.

Vyacheslav Kantor
Vyacheslav Kantor

Planetary scale of thinking

The level of development of information technology provides every reasonable person to take part in the discussion of pressing issues of our time. At the same time, education, religion and nationality do not play a special role. Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Kantor, a native Muscovite, deals with a wide range of topics. The following problems are included in the circle of his interests:

· The ecological situation on the planet;

· Interethnic relations;

· The threat of the use of nuclear weapons.

Over the past decade, his work has been associated with the coordination of the activities of the European Jewish Congress.

Historically, representatives of the Jewish people live on all continents. The centuries-old practice shows that interethnic conflicts can flare up in the literal sense of the word "from scratch." Kantor makes a significant contribution to the promotion of methods of tolerance and mutual respect. His creativity and daily work in this field bring, albeit modest, but real results. It is important to understand that in the affairs of such a delight, delicacy, outlook and erudition are required.

The threat and consequences of environmental disasters are known to Vyacheslav Kantor firsthand. At a time when the Russian economy abandoned long-term planning and short-term forecasting, he had to deal with production expertise at the Azot chemical plant in Novgorod. The modern market economy is a scrupulous accounting of resources and control of business processes. A successful career as an entrepreneur for Vyacheslav began with a clear understanding and understanding of the current rules, regulations and mechanisms.

Man and society

By and large, the biography of Vyacheslav Kantor developed like that of many Soviet people. The family laid the foundations for worldview and behavior. Among the unacceptable habits were empty pastime, idleness and laziness. Having received a certificate of maturity, the young man easily entered the Moscow Aviation Institute. It is no secret that technical education formats thinking and develops the habit of analyzing the situation. In addition to this, the young engineer Kantor had amazing communication skills.

In the aggregate, the accumulated potential allowed Mr. Kantor to become one of the world's intellectual elite. Suffice it to recall that for four years he served as an advisor to the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. The importance of the post of the President of the EJC is figuratively indicated by his famous definition - the main duty officer on the European Jewish street. As the saying goes: neither add - nor subtract. Public recognition of the President's activities is confirmed by many awards and honorary titles. There are good reasons to believe that not all awards have been presented yet.

The personal life of Vyacheslav Vladimirovich developed thoroughly, from the first time and forever. Husband and wife live in perfect harmony. The family has five children - four sons and a daughter.
