The boring and monotonous office life can be diversified with all kinds of games in which all employees can take part. For example, try to quickly hide with your entire office to greatly surprise whoever enters the office first.

Step 1
A funny game when office employees hide in just 5 seconds and surprise their boss or other visitors very much, has become popular among users on the Internet thanks to many videos with a similar storyline. Office workers are competing in their skill of "disappearing" literally before our eyes. You can try to repeat the trick, for example, on April 1, so that the bosses do not take such a prank negatively.
Step 2
Agree on which employee will participate in the drawing. The number of participants largely depends on the size of the room, the number of items in the office and the ability of employees to hide quickly and quietly. In small offices, the participation of only 3-5 people will be enough. In large offices, there may be many times more participants, however, preparation of the drawing will take more time.
Step 3
Select the items and things that you will use to hide. For example, you can quickly and deftly slide off a chair under your desk, remaining invisible to anyone entering the room. For example, girls can quickly hide behind the backs of high chairs. A large copier and other office equipment, judging by the videos, are also very suitable for this kind of hide-and-seek game. Wardrobes, chests of drawers, space behind curtains, etc. will become a convenient secluded place.
Step 4
Place all the necessary items in the right places and put people near them, who should be ready to quickly hide at a certain time. Practice doing this at an accelerated pace in advance. Wait until the boss or someone else walks past the office, while paying attention to the number of employees working. The next moment, when he turns back or turns to the participants of the rally, standing with his back to them, at the command of a certain person's gestures, everyone must quickly and silently hide. Usually, the boss who peeks in at the same time or even just turns around, comes into extreme bewilderment, not understanding where everyone disappeared so quickly.