Contests For March 8 For Girls

Contests For March 8 For Girls
Contests For March 8 For Girls

March 8 is the day when girls can relax: take a break from their household duties, hand over children to their husbands. On this day, you should put on your most beautiful dress, accept flowers as a gift and have fun.

Contests for March 8 for girls
Contests for March 8 for girls

On March 8, it is customary to congratulate and delight all girls and women, regardless of their age. The fair sex on this day acts as a spectator, and on strong men's shoulders - taking care of surprises, pranks and entertainment.

Contest for attentiveness

The presenter argues with the girls that they will not be able to repeat his three phrases. The intrigued participants, of course, begin to resent.

Everyone repeats the first phrase “I'm in a good mood”. There will be no problems with the phrase "Today is my holiday". After all the girls repeat it, the presenter says: "And that's wrong." Participants begin to ask where exactly the mistake is, when this is just the third phrase that needs to be repeated.

But I …

The girls are encouraged to show off a little. Participants sit in a circle, the first one says the phrase: "I am the most accurate." The next one should come up with an adjective with the letter "B" and start the phrase with "But I …".

Further, in a circle and alphabetically, the girls "show off" their qualities. The one who is unable to come up with an adjective is eliminated. If the alphabet is over and the winner is not determined, the circle starts over.

In the role of a detective

4-5 girls or 2-3 teams can participate in the competition if there are a lot of girls. A man defiles in front of the participants for a couple of minutes. He then leaves and returns with a changed appearance.

The girls are invited to find changes, while their number is negotiated. The fastest and most attentive wins.

Sensitivity competition

The girls turn their backs on the chairs and do not spy on what is happening behind. The facilitator puts an object on the seat of each chair and helps the participants to sit down. You need to guess what kind of object is under the buttocks.

Spoons, telephones, lighters, etc. can be used as props.

Fantasy competition

The girls are invited to come up with new options for using a regular saucepan. For example, the first participant clearly shows that this is a helmet. The second participant suggests using the pot as a drum.

The girl who offers the most options wins.

The battle for the throne

An even number of girls is required to participate. They are divided into pairs, put on symbolic crowns on their heads and given a balloon in their hands.

The task of each "queen" is to remove the crown from the rival, without dropping her own.