What Contests To Choose For Birthday For Children

What Contests To Choose For Birthday For Children
What Contests To Choose For Birthday For Children

In childhood, a birthday is a long-awaited and probably the most beloved holiday. The task of the parents is to organize and hold it in such a way that the child will remember the holiday for a long time.

What contests to choose for birthday for children
What contests to choose for birthday for children

How to organize a party

Today, many parents invite a toastmaster or animator to their child's birthday, they arrange a holiday in a cafe or restaurant. If you do not have such an opportunity, then you can organize a holiday at home, you just have to write a script.

Children love contests because they cannot sit in one place for a long time and devour cutlets and salads. Invite them to participate in contests. For example, "Discoverer". The essence of this competition is as follows: the guys inflate balloons, and then, at the command of the presenter, draw little men on them with felt-tip pens. Whoever drew more is the winner. Competition "Chain", when the guys have to assemble a chain of paper clips in a certain time. This competition is good because it does not require a lot of space and is suitable for a small apartment. The "Bite an Apple" contest is especially popular. The apple is hung by the handle, each participant, holding his hands behind his back, comes up to it and tries to bite off. Whoever bit off more is the winner.

Very interesting competition "Fairy Tale". You need to take any well-known fairy tale, for example, "Kolobok", write out its heroes and distribute among the guests. The presenter reads a fairy tale, and the heroes "come to life". It always goes with a bang, because it is exciting for both participants and guests. You can suggest to inflate the balloons without using your hands. Interesting and useful for the lungs.

The game "Nesmeyana" develops the communication skills of children in a team. "Princess Nesmeyana" sits in the center of the room. Everyone else comes up one by one and tries to make her laugh. Whoever succeeds - that prize. The popular game "What kind of gift?" To carry it out, you need to purchase inexpensive toys in advance and put them in a bag. The presenter invites the children to put their hand into the bag and determine what he is holding in his hand. Guess it - take it. So your guests will go home with gifts too.

Most favorite competition

Of course, no birthday can pass without playing forfeits. The facilitator should ask everyone present for something. All items are put in an opaque bag left over from the previous competition. The birthday boy thinks about what this or that fant should do. The intrigue of the competition is also added by the fact that the birthday boy's phantom is in the bag together with others. This game has not lost its relevance for many years.

Create incentive little prizes to encourage kids to compete. Competitions can be held by one of the parents, so it is not necessary to call the host or animator. You can also entrust a teenage child with this mission.

As you can see, it is quite possible to organize a holiday for a child on your own, without resorting to large expenses.