Home holidays are heartwarming. To make the party even more interesting, run some contests. Participation in this entertainment will cheer you up, as well as get an amazing experience.

All games at a home party can be divided into mobile and static. In a confined space, it is difficult to run or perform other sports movements, but dance experiments will be successful in any space, contests without movement will not look bad either. It is not recommended to hold alcoholic competitions at home, as it does not always end beautifully.
The competition will require an even number of participants. Better than 2 or 4 people, there is no need to warn them about the conditions in advance. Challenge the daredevils to an impromptu stage and tell them that today they must show their oratory skills.
For carrying out you will need a bag of sucking candies. Give each participant 5 candies and ask them to put them in their mouths. After that, everyone should utter the phrase: "thick-cheeked lip-slap". At first it will turn out great, but then the number of sweets in the mouth needs to be increased, it is forbidden to swallow and spit them out. At first, 2-3 pcs., Then one at a time. The one who can say the phrase better than anyone else wins.
To diversify the competition, to introduce something new, change the phrase. You can use: "lilac eyepatch" or any tongue twister. The more difficult it is, the funnier it will turn out.
Hit the bottle
For the event, you will need empty glass bottles, their number depends on the number of participants. In addition, you need pencils or felt-tip pens and regular thread.
Call volunteers of any gender, number from 2 to 6. Tie a string with a pencil to each belt. The writing object should hang from the back at knee level. In appearance, this should resemble a ponytail.
Place empty bottles in a row, one next to each participant. The goal of the competition is to hit the bottleneck with a pencil. At the same time, touching objects with your hands is prohibited. To make the view more interesting for the audience, the participants must turn their backs to them. The beginning of the process is announced by the host, it is better to hold a competition with cheerful music. The winner is the one who is the first to cope with the task, but it is better not to stop the competition right away, but wait until everyone succeeds.
This competition in a team can only be held once. Participants must be more than 6 people. Everyone sits in a circle and one victim is chosen. It is this person who will have to guess what was conceived, he should not know what the essence of the competition is, not to participate in something like that before. He needs to be taken out of the room while the presenter talks about the rules. At this time, one person will be conceived in the company. The victim can ask any participant in the game questions, but in response he will receive only the words: "yes" or "no". But not a specific person will be conceived, but an amazing person - my right neighbor.