If, for any reason, there are difficulties with ordering a toastmaster for a wedding, then you can take on the role of an entertainer. The main thing here is the presence of a "suspended" language and the desire to look in a new way at the old contests.

How to find fun wedding pageants?
Some weddings simply cannot do without a themed game program. The best option for such a program would be the phased holding of certain competitions in combination with the main feast. It must be remembered that contests, games and other entertainments should not be "hackneyed": it is necessary to slightly edit and redo this or that competition. It will breathe new life into it!
In search of contests, games and other entertainments for a wedding, you need to look into special book manuals. If they are not at hand, you should not be too lazy to buy them in any bookstore. In addition, in search of the necessary material, you can turn to the help of the Internet. The World Wide Web has all sorts of contests and riddles for wedding events that you can edit in your own way. Only funny, positive and, most importantly, funny contests will make your wedding an unforgettable celebration. If there is no master of ceremonies, then you need not be lazy to look for, alter, compose these or those contests on your own.
What contests and games can you think of for a wedding?
Recently, the so-called table games have become very popular. They should be played when the guests are already pretty tired of dancing. After making another toast to the young, you can conduct an interesting and fun game called "By Months". The essence of this game lies in the fact that the toastmaster (or other presenter replacing the toastmaster) asks those who were born in a certain month to rise. For example, he says: “Who was born in January - get up, get up, get up! Pour it full and drink it! " "January" guests have to get up from the table, showing that they were born in January, and then "knock over" the pile for themselves.
There is another interesting game called Love Story. The toastmaster or the person replacing her, in a poetic form, tells the guests about the love story between the bride and groom, and they, in turn, take an active part, loudly shouting their names. One of the favorite wedding contests is “Get to know your wife”. The groom is blindfolded and tries to recognize his bride among the female guests. This is done on the knee, hair, nose, arm, chest, etc. This competition promises to make all guests laugh, without exception.
Another funny competition is called "The Pendulum". Several men and women are summoned with threads tied to their belts. An apple is tied to the end of each thread. Then an empty matchbox is placed on the floor in front of each of the contestants. The task of each of the participants is to drag their boxes to the end of the hall using an apple tied to a string. The essence of the competition is that the peculiar jerking movements performed by the participants will make all the guests laugh in earnest.