How To Come Up With Contests For KVN

How To Come Up With Contests For KVN
How To Come Up With Contests For KVN

For beginner members of the Club, cheerful and resourceful, the question of how to come up with contests for KVN and get the desired public recognition and respect from colleagues is the most relevant and significant.

Team script development
Team script development

How contests for KVN write

Creation of contests for KVN is a delicate and creative process.

Young teams, as a rule, come up with contests for the game on their own.

The leading teams that have won the championship in the performances are supported by the best winners of the past games and loyal fans who help to adjust the scenarios of the upcoming competitions.

A successful competition for KVN requires compliance with some rules tested by the previous generation of the Club of the cheerful and resourceful:

1. Participants write the script collectively.

2. Each team member offers his own options for filling the competition.

3. All ideas for jokes and miniatures are recorded and revised several times over a period of time.

4. Rehearsals should be done regularly to get you ready for the game.

5. The most important criterion is interchangeability, so the full command staff should rehearse.

Popular contests for KVN

A greeting or a business card, the very first and very important competition, consists in a kind of humorous presentation of the team.

The jokes and miniatures invented for the "Greetings" reveal the acting skills of the participants, leave the audience and the jury with the first impression of the team.

For "Greetings", they choose a popular news topic of political, historical or cultural significance, which is played up in a verbal ironic form.

Warm-up is indicative. Participants, within short 30 seconds, quickly and funny answer the questions of other teams, spectators, jury or presenter. It is impossible to come up with answers in advance, so the most resourceful win the competition, earning additional points for their team.

Preparation for this competition is carried out according to the method of express questions between team members, so players learn to think quickly and logically, diluting their answers with a humorous context.

Even schoolchildren know how to come up with competitions for KVN, of a musical nature. An original parody of a musical hit by a famous performer, a fun widespread competition for professional and amateur performances by the Club of the cheerful and resourceful.

Participants with good vocal abilities and artistic abilities are chosen for the main role in a music competition. The necessary details of music competitions are beautiful, original costumes to create a memorable and funny image.

The remaining contests are developed according to the above principles.

KVN is a game that carries a lot of positive emotions and allows you to see irony in any life situation.

To come up with contests for KVN, it is enough to act together and confidently go to victory, turning every joke and miniature into an ideal formula for a successful team performance.